Home » today » Business » Friday vol-au-vent day: thanks to the advice of Jelle Beeckman you can prepare the classic in just 15 minutes | What are we eating today?

Friday vol-au-vent day: thanks to the advice of Jelle Beeckman you can prepare the classic in just 15 minutes | What are we eating today?

Do you have a desire for vol-au-vent to satisfy quickly and above all you don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen tonight? Our chef HLN Jelle Beeckman shares her recipe for serving a quick vol-au-vent van that she doesn’t spit in just 15 minutes. That craving for this comfort food classic will be satisfied in no time. Tasty!

Preparation time: 15 to 20 minutes
Price: € 6.30 pp

Ingredients for 2 people

• 1 chicken on the spit with sauce
• 1 tablespoon of farm or oven butter
• 200 g of mushroom compote
• 1 teenage look
• 100 g of flour
• 500 ml of water
• 100 ml of milk
• ¾ chicken broth cube
• 100 ml chamber
• a few sprigs of parsley
• Pepper
• ½ citroen

That’s how you do it

Pour the sauce into a pan with a knob of butter. Fry the mushrooms together with the crushed garlic and remove them from the pan. Keep the fat in the pan.

Add another small knob of butter and stir in the flour until the mixture is dry and smells of cookies.

Add water and milk, crumble into the nut and mix with a whisk so as not to form lumps. Let the sauce thicken over low heat and finish with the cream.

Remove the chicken from the thighs and put the pieces in the sauce together with the mushrooms, remove the pot from the heat and top with parsley, pepper and a few drops of lemon juice.

Tip: Do you still like meatballs? So just buy some bratwurst and squeeze them piece by piece into the pan. Here’s how to get quick meatballs.

Everyday you will find a recipe of HLN Food on the weekly.

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