Digital insurer Friday is expanding its product range to include pools of brokers and, in addition to car insurance, now also offers household contents and personal liability insurance via the sales channel.
Friday has already opened the kilometer rate in the summer of this year brought numerous broker pools, including AmexPool, Blau Direkt, Fonds Finanz, Maxpool, Netfonds, DMU and vfm. This is followed by household contents and personal liability insurance.
According to Friday’s information, brokers have access to products through various comparison programs such as Nafi, Softfair or Mr. Money, similar to car insurance. These are linked via proprietary APIs or the industry standard BiPro to ensure high efficiency and low costs for the customer.
With the introduction of household contents and personal liability insurance into the brokerage business, the digital insurer is likely to try to further increase its market share through this important sales channel.