Home » today » News » Friborg: Control in the long-distance train near Friborg – Detainee arrested while leaving for Switzerland

Friborg: Control in the long-distance train near Friborg – Detainee arrested while leaving for Switzerland

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A person wanted with three arrest warrants was arrested by the federal police while leaving for Switzerland on a long-distance train. Because he
could not pay the fine of almost 5000 euros, he was admitted to the correctional facility.

The 41-year-old German citizen was on a long-distance train on Thursday afternoon (March 26th, 2021) by the so-called Joint Operational Service Group (GoD) with German federal police officers and employees of the Federal Customs Administration
controlled near Freiburg im Breisgau. When checking the personal details, the officers found that three open arrest warrants had to be executed against the man. In all three cases, the 41-year-old was fined a total of 4845 euros by German courts for driving without a driver’s license
sentenced. Since the wanted man no longer lived in Germany and never paid the fines, the arrest warrants were issued against him. Since he could not pay the requested amount, he was arrested by the federal police on the train.

Since the man was searched for narcotics, he has to report a violation
answer against the Narcotics Act. He was then sent to a correctional facility to serve the 163-day replacement sentence.

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