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Frequent Hunger: Causes, Symptoms, and Warning Signs of Binge Eating Disorder


  • Even though being ‘frequently hungry, eating non-stop, eating without feeling satisfied’, many people may not view it as not having a direct negative effect on health. But who would have thought that it might be a warning sign about health? Because there may be something abnormal in the body. It is the reason why you are always hungry.
  • Measure the body’s hunger level. What type of hunger is medically called Binge Eating Disorder, a disease that is very common among teenagers?
  • The causes of frequent hunger, constant hunger, and insatiable eating come from 3 main issues: stress, weight loss behavior, symptom control, and family problems. social pressure

I believe that many people have noticed that they are a non-stop eater, eating in small bites. How many snacks, fruits, and snacks do you have? He kept picking it up and eating it until it was gone. I feel like I’m often hungry, hungry all the time, like no matter how much I eat, I don’t feel full. If it’s not enough, try observing yourself, the people close to you, or the people around you. You may encounter some.

What causes hunger?

Hunger is caused by our body warning it needs food. To be used as energy for various activities. When there is no food in the stomach The body releases hormones to the brain. It sends signals through stomach pain and rumbling to tell us that we are hungry.

Many times there is confusion between hunger and thirst. The feeling of wanting to eat something refreshing. and end up with snacks or high-energy snacks But the hunger still hasn’t gone away. That’s because the body may just be thirsty, not hungry as understood.

If you have symptoms like this It is recommended to start by drinking plain water first. If you still feel hungry Gradually find a nutritious main meal to eat. Or choose a low energy drink to drink.

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Measure the body’s hunger level

  • Hunger that comes from eating the wrong food

certain types of food After eating, you feel full for a short time. In a moment, I was hungry again. This kind of hunger It is caused by the food you eat making you more hungry. and get hungry faster, such as symptoms of rice, white flour, sugar, foods high in sodium, fast food, snacks, fruit juices with all the fiber removed, including alcoholic beverages. It makes it harder to control your hunger.

  • Hunger comes from physical and health factors.

For girls, the symptom is more hunger than normal. It may be a symptom of the premenstrual period (PMS) or a warning sign that we are pregnant. During the first 3 months of pregnancy The body will need more food. Makes you hungry more often

In addition, not getting enough sleep It can affect hunger. From the research study it was found that Inadequate sleep affects the secretion of the hormone ghrelin, which controls hunger. Makes the body secrete more of this hormone. while causing the level of secretion of the hormone leptin (leptin), which controls satiety, to decrease.

In addition, hunger is more than usual. It can be a symptom of various diseases as well, for example Hypoglycaemia or low blood sugar. This symptom is usually found in diabetics who use insulin to reduce blood sugar levels. When low sugar occurs, it will result in increased appetite, harder hunger, faster hunger, or you may feel dizzy. and dizziness. Hunger can also be a symptom of hypothyroidism. (Hypothyroidism) also if you have hunger symptoms caused by these diseases. It is recommended to consult a doctor for a diagnosis.

Reasons for being hungry all the time

Hunger is natural, but often hungry, hungry quickly. The cause may be

  • Blood sugar levels decrease
  • The hormone leptin (Leptin), or the hormone that controls satiety in the body, is not balanced.
  • Stress, sadness, use food to treat stress.
  • Eating the wrong food (Some foods make you more hungry. and get hungry faster)
  • Some health problems such as PMS symptoms, pregnancy, and not getting enough rest
  • Habit of eating fussy food every 1 hour

The 10 main reasons that cause frequent hunger and hunger all the time are as follows:

1. Not getting enough rest

Not getting enough rest causes the body to release hormones. That makes us hungrier than before. Plus it makes us feel less full. Less sleep is already the enemy for people who want to be thin. Because it makes the metabolic system work at full efficiency.

2. Accumulated stress

These symptoms of stress or unusual emotions This will cause us to experience abnormal hunger and eat more food than usual. To replace the happiness from eating, but actually there are many ways to help relax from stress, such as exercising and meditating.

3. Drink too little water

Sometimes we feel like eating dessert. It doesn’t always mean you’re hungry. It may be a condition where the body is dehydrated. Or you can just feel thirsty. A good way to have a beautiful figure. You should choose to drink plain water before going to get something to eat. It will help us feel full until our hunger stops. Plus drinking a lot of water. It’s also good for health.

4. Eating food at the wrong time

Frequently eating food at irregular times will cause the body’s system to become disorganized. Or the body’s schedule doesn’t work properly. and may cause gastritis The best way is to eat food on time.

5. Not eating enough protein

Emphasis on eating protein foods It will help build muscle. and can fill your stomach for a long time It’s better than focusing on eating carbohydrates. In addition to giving you high energy and making you fat, it also doesn’t make you stay pregnant for a long time.

6. Not enough fiber

In addition to not having enough protein Not eating enough fiber can make you hungry. Therefore, you should choose foods that are high in fiber. Because it will help your stomach to be full for a long time. It doesn’t make you hungry often.

7. Eat processed food

Eating processed foods that are high in calories The sodium content is also high as well. It is best to choose freshly prepared food. It hasn’t gone through many processes. It will help you get more nutritional value. and more pregnant

8. Diet for too long

Fasting for a long time Will cause us to eat more food than usual. and tend to eat unhealthy food

9. Too much in the Calorie Deficit range

Calorie Deficit Weight Loss and Diet Control That receives less energy than the energy the body uses out each day, causing the body to pull out fat stored in different parts. of the body to be used as energy instead Reduce body fat But if you stay in this period for a long time will cause an energy deficit Therefore, it is another reason why you are often hungry.

10. Pure desire

This is not true hunger. But it’s pure desire. These symptoms It might happen when we watch cooking clips. or consume images of food then feel like eating So I used hunger as an excuse!

By such eating behavior Medically it is considered abnormal behavior. It’s called Binge Eating Disorder.

What is Binge Eating Disorder?

Binge Eating Disorder is a condition in which people eat an alarmingly large amount of food at a time, often eating it in a very short period of time. Or some people may eat a lot at times and feel like they can’t control themselves.

The exact cause of Binge Eating Disorder has not yet been determined. But the medical profession assumed that It can occur from these 3 behaviors.

  • Stress, anxiety that has a strong influence on patients, such as worrying about their own appearance. Or afraid of gaining a lot of weight?
  • Wrong weight loss behaviors, such as skipping meals Or try to abstain from food to the point where you hardly eat anything each day.
  • Family problems that are buried deep in the mind or social pressure causing stress

It’s all very similar to emotional eating. The difference is that emotional eating can be caused by a variety of emotions. and may not eat as much and as quickly as Binge Eating Disorder

Who is at risk for Binge Eating Disorder?

Binge Eating Disorder is most common among late teenagers. Around the age of 23, the average person is likely to develop an eating disorder such as mania. But it developed to the next level until it became Binge Eating Disorder, and on average, patients with this disease from statistics are more women than men.

In addition, patients with Binge Eating Disorder are often people who are unable to control their emotions, no matter what. Also for people who like to reward themselves with food. Eat to relieve stress Or whatever they feel, they tend to eat. This group of people is also at higher risk of developing Binge Eating Disorder than others.

Although Binge Eating Disorder is not a very serious disease, But it can affect the lifestyle and mental state of the patient. In addition, if symptoms are not treated properly Habit of eating a lot at regular intervals May lead to health problems such as diabetes, high blood fat, high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, coronary artery disease. Cerebral hemorrhage Including diseases caused by excessive body weight such as knee joints, hip joints, etc.

Watch for symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder

  • Eat more food than usual And every time I start eating food It’s like you can’t control the amount of food you eat.
  • Always eat food quickly. You can still eat more and more. Even though you feel full until your stomach is full
  • Able to eat large quantities of food even though you do not feel hungry at all.
  • Every time symptoms occur, he tends to escape to eat alone. Because I was embarrassed to let anyone know how much food I ate.
  • The more stressed, the more upset you are. The more you eat But I will feel guilty and feel bad every time. After eating a large meal
  • Have strange behavior is concerned with body weight and shape But I started eating non-stop.
  • Trying hard to control myself or trying to lose weight excessively But it’s like he hasn’t been successful in conquering himself.
  • I hate myself every time I eat food.

If you or someone close to you has 3 or more of these behaviors or symptoms, it may be time to see a doctor to find treatment.

How to treat Binge Eating Disorder?

How to treat Binge Eating Disorder requires seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist to use behavioral therapy and gradually adjust your attitude towards losing weight. venting emotions stress and adjust eating habits to normal gradually The psychiatrist will then use drug therapy. The psychiatrist may prescribe antidepressants to reduce symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder along with psychotherapy.

In cases where the patient has severe stress And some may need to use behavioral therapy to lose weight. This method is suitable to treat patients with Binge Eating Disorder which is caused by the wrong weight loss behavior. It will arrange for patients to attend a proper weight loss course with trainers and nutritionists. Which will start from eating. How to exercise, etc.

Check symptoms and causes of frequent hunger. Hungry all the time.

The reason why we are always hungry But it may not be Binge Eating Disorder, as follows:

Frequent hunger symptoms from behavior and lifestyle

Sometimes our living habits (Including eating habits) can be the cause of us feeling like we’re not eating enough, not eating enough, and being hungry all the time, for example:

  • Not eating enough protein Eat a lot of white flour foods. Because protein is one of the main nutrients that provide energy to the body. (along with carbohydrates and fat) when eaten together in one meal Your body will have energy and feel full. But if you only eat food that has only carbohydrates or eat white flour-type foods with a high proportion of carbohydrates and no dietary fiber It will cause blood sugar levels to spike and drop quickly. Makes you feel hungry again
  • Not eating enough fat Many people avoid consuming fat because they think it will make them fat. But in reality Fat is one of the essential nutrients. If you choose to eat only fat-free or low-fat foods, your body may lack good fats. This causes the feeling of wanting to eat food that is high in carbohydrates and sugar instead.
  • Eating too little dietary fiber Because dietary fiber expands when eaten. Therefore, it can play a role in controlling hunger. If you eat enough It will make you feel full quickly.
  • Drink too little water Sometimes when feeling hungry It may not be actual hunger, but rather a feeling of thirst. Drinking water regularly throughout the day Thus helping the body not become dehydrated. And may prevent feelings of hunger as well.
  • Not concentrating when eating Eating food without focus Whether you eat while watching a movie, watching a series, a video clip, or something else, you may not be aware of what you are eating. And how much did you eat? Even though you know you’ve already eaten But the brain will not be immersed. Satisfied with what you eat When you don’t pay attention to what you’re eating. Therefore, it makes you feel that the food you eat is not enough. Does not meet needs as it should
  • Not getting enough sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep, your levels of the hormone ghrelin will increase. This hormone is mostly produced in the stomach. Makes you feel hungry.

Frequent hunger symptoms that may come from abnormalities in the body

Feeling hungry all the time May be caused by disease or abnormal body conditions as well, as follows

  • Type 1 Diabetes: When you have type 1 diabetes, the body lacks insulin to carry glucose into the cells. This causes the cells in the body to not receive glucose. Glucose is therefore in the bloodstream. and is excreted through the urine Makes the body demand to eat more
  • Hypoglycemia (Hypoglycemia) or low blood sugar It is a condition in which the body has low levels of glucose. It may come from taking diabetes medicine. People with this condition often experience blurred vision, slurred speech, and problems walking.
  • Thyroid problems The thyroid gland is a gland that produces hormones that control the functioning of various organs within the body. If the thyroid gland is overactive, or have hyperthyroidism (Hyperthyroidism) will cause symptoms of a rapid pulse, profuse sweating, and muscle weakness. Thirsty even though you just drank
  • Stress When you are stressed or anxious. The body releases the hormone cortisol. to increase the feeling of hunger In addition, people who are stressed tend to crave foods that are high in sugar and fat.

Normally, hunger is a natural part of the body’s need for energy. Makes you feel hungry when you haven’t eaten anything for about 2-3 hours in a row. But if you feel like your body isn’t hungry or wants to eat because of a lack of food. You should find the real cause and how to fix it. To avoid eating more food than the body actually needs.

refer :Medpark Hospital ,Ramkhamhaeng Hospital ,trueid ,Sikarin Hospital

2023-12-29 03:24:00

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