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Frenchwoman Beaugrandová dominated the Olympic triathlon, Kuříková took 29th place

Commercial presentation Updated: 31/07/2024 15:11 Issued: 31/07/2024, 10:31

Summer Olympics in Paris, July 31, 2024. French winner Cassandre Beaugrand at the finish line of the women’s triathlon. AP/David Goldman

Paris – Cassandre Beaugrand and Briton Alex Yee, who won the postponed men’s race, became Olympic triathlon champions in Paris. The Czech representative Petra Kuříková, with 29th place, improved her result from Tokyo by one rung.



Twenty-six-year-old Yee triumphed by six seconds ahead of New Zealander Hayden Wild after a great finish. Both of them beat the place from Tokyo by one place, where the British triathlete also celebrated the victory in the mixed relay. Frenchman Léo Bergére finished third.

Twenty-seven-year-old Beaugrand also won by six seconds ahead of Switzerland’s Julia Derron, bronze was won by 15 seconds to reigning world champion Britain’s Beth Potter.

Although the triathletes could not train in the Seine in the past days due to the deteriorated water quality, the races were finally held there. According to the organizers, it met the set limits, which it exceeded in the past days after the rains.

The swimming part of the women’s race after the start at the Alexandra III bridge. defending gold medalist Flora Duffy from Bermuda did the best and gained a significant lead. However, a group of female pursuers overtook her on a bicycle.

The 40 km cycling race in the attractive scenery of the French capital brought a number of falls on the wet track, some triathletes ended up on the ground repeatedly. Four of them resigned.

In the final run of 10 km, a group of four crystallized in the lead, fighting for medals in a stormy atmosphere. To the delight of the spectators, Beaugrand had the most strength, taking care of the first individual triathlon medal for France under five circles. Three years ago in Tokyo, she took part in the mixed relay bronze.

“I have no words. It’s crazy. I panicked in the morning, I threw up before the start. It was terrible nerves. It’s never happened to me before, especially in front of other competitors. I didn’t want to repeat Tokyo, where I was so nervous that I wasn’t able to to show what’s in me,” said Beaugrand, who did not finish the race at the last Olympics.

Her compatriot Emma Lombardi, who leads the World Championship series, came up empty-handed. She was six seconds behind Potter in third place. The winner from Tokyo and four-time world champion Duffy finished fifth with a big loss of 1:17 minutes to the winner.

The men were supposed to race on Tuesday, but due to polluted water, they did not start until today. After swimming and cycling, a large group of more than thirty competitors ran to the final part. Yee decided by accelerating in the final half-kilometer, following compatriot Alistair Brownlee’s Olympic triumphs from London 2012 and Rio de Janeiro 2016.

“I had a big crisis around the fifth kilometer. Before the last lap, I said to myself that I will try again and not give up,” Yee described the course of the race in thirty-degree heat. He praised his team’s support on the track. “I really appreciate them being there and making me squeeze like that,” he said.

Men: 1. Yee (Brit.) 1:43:33, 2. Wilde (N. Zél.) -6, 3. Bergére -10, 4. Le Corre (or Fr.) -18, 5. Vilaca -23, .

Women: 1. Beaugrand (Fr.) 1:54:55, 2. Derron (Switzerland) -6, 3. Potter (Britain) -15, 4. Lombardi (Fr.) -21, 5. Duffy (Berm.) -1:17, 6. Taylor-Brown (Brit.) -1:40, ….29. Kuříková (CZ) -6:07.

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