Aurélien Michel sold NFTs – theoretically unforgeable digital certificates of authenticity – by promising to his clients “many benefits and rewards”accuse American justice.
“Once all the NFTs were sold, Mr. Michel reportedly cut off all communication and withdrew the buyers’ funds from the company’s cryptocurrency wallets, lining his pockets with nearly $3 million of money belonging to the investors.”explains in a press release.
The young man was about to go to the United Arab Emirates where he lives, when he was intercepted by the American authorities at JFK airport in New York and had to be brought before a judge.
Aurélien Michel admis avoir détourné des fonds d’un échange avec des acheteurs sur les réseaux sociaux retranscrit dans le communiqué du ministère américain de la Justice, mais a rejeté la responsabilité de ses actes sur la communauté des acheteurs de NFT, assurant qu’ She “it had become too toxic”.