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French-Speaking Media Studies in the Era of Streaming and Video on Demand: Call for Papers for 91st ACFAS Congress

Call for papers as part of the 91st ACFAS congress

Conference 306

Burst entertainment:

French-speaking media studies in the era of streaming and video on demand

Since 2007, the audiovisual industry has had to combine the development of a growing number of TPC services, namely video on demand (VOD) platforms allowing the viewing of audiovisual productions in continuous flow (streaming) on ​​the Internet. In this context characterized by the migration of online viewing practices, this conference aims to highlight the French-speaking studies which are deployed around this media phenomenon, but also more specifically the cultural practices and audiovisual works produced in a French-speaking context.

Research on French-speaking audiovisual production in the streaming era – whether it concerns the platforms themselves, the works produced, or the production or reception issues specific to these contexts – is lagging significantly behind. If the hegemony of transnational VOD services (Netflix, Prime Video, AppleTV+, Disney+, etc.), owned by the United States, contributes to marginalizing the audiovisual offer in languages ​​other than English, it also affects the scientific production. Indeed, research tends to marginalize the study of media industries and productions in French-speaking environments; even studies carried out in French focus, to a large extent, on English-speaking services and productions, given the cultural legitimacy from which they benefit. Collective works on streaming culture also pay little attention to French-speaking productions.

Few studies have therefore been carried out to document audiovisual works produced in French in the digital age, as well as the state of streaming services and the articulation of connected or binge watching practices. ) in a French-speaking context. Let us also emphasize that behind the most popular platforms hide numerous VOD services of national scope (ICI TOU.TV, Club Illico, Crave, FranceTV Slash, etc.) or transnational (TV5MONDE) which have an important role to play for the distribution of French-speaking content online.

This conference thus intends to contribute to better consideration of the state of media industries and practices in the French-speaking context, in particular through the presentation of several case studies. The conference will also promote the pooling of various expertise in order to achieve a more detailed understanding of the specificities of French-speaking media cultures in the digital age.

Several areas of reflection are envisaged for communications :

-productions or series in French intended for online viewing;
-the state of streaming services in a French-speaking context, or a more targeted examination of streaming service(s) offering a catalog exclusively or primarily in French;
-the issues specific to French-speaking media production in the digital age;
-cultural and viewing practices associated with streaming in a French-speaking context;
-the challenges of distribution and reception of French-speaking content online (discoverability, archiving, etc.);
-the challenges of French-speaking research and research-creation on media in the digital age (accessibility to works, publication issues, potential concerted actions), etc.

The conference is also open to proposals relating to productions (series, films) produced in a language other than French, provided that the abstract clearly highlights the contribution/relevance/originality of French-speaking research on the subject.

Sending proposals

Proposals must be sent to the conference organizer ([email protected]) before February 16, 2024. The proposal must contain the title of the communication, the affiliation of the author as well as an abstract (350 words). A response will be sent to you no later than February 26, 2024.


Stéfany Boisvert, professor at the School of Media, University of Quebec in Montreal, [email protected]

To consult the ACFAS (French Canadian Association for the Advancement of Sciences) website, see www.acfas.ca.

2024-01-15 18:10:13
#Burst #Entertainment #Francophone #Media #Studies #Age #Streaming #Video #Demand #ACFAS #Congress #Ottawa

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