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“French Rapper Millésime K Sparks Controversy with Far-Right Ideologies and Canceled Concerts”

His last concerts were canceled in Lille, Grenoble, or even Dijon because of his racist, sexist, and homophobic texts. The Lyon rapper is now expected in the coming days in Toulon, Nice and Avignon.

Lille, Grenoble, Montpellier, Dijon, Toulouse… Wherever Millésime K announces its forthcoming arrival, associations, unions and political parties are going to the battlements to have its concerts banned. The Lyonnais, a former football referee converted into a rapper with a suit and tie, is targeted for theses racists, sexists, homophobes and transphobes that he disseminates in his songs. France 3 Provence-Alpes details five things to know about this rapper close to the far right, before the passage of his “Patriote” tour in Nice and Toulon at the end of April and the beginning of June in Avignon.

  • He defends a vision of France close to that of the far right

In his music videos”Sweet France”, “Patriot”, “Tricolor”, Millésime K defends a vision of France close to the rhetoric used by the extreme right. For the rapper, the wealth of the country would thus come mainly from drug trafficking, hijacking, systemic violence and immigration. According to him, pensioners, students and farmers are the corollary victims of a system that impoverishes them and causes injustice. Millésime K also highlights the notion of “anti-white racism” driven by the far right. “The latter is known for his texts with openly racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic remarks, contrary to the values ​​of the Republic which he nevertheless prides himself on defending”thus hammered the elected environmentalists of Lille at the time of the announcement of his passage in concert in the city.

“The flame of France is weakening, I will rekindle it, (…) I am going on a crusade, call me Joan of Arc”, he declaims in his clip “Jeanne d’Arc”, a historical figure in the history of France frequently cited as a reference by the far right, and favorite character of Jean-Marie Le Pen.

The rapper has released three albums “Liberty”, “Equality”, “Fraternity” . On the covers, Millésime K appears in turn disguised as Napoleon, a knight of the Order of the Templars or a prehistoric man, even if in his clips, he is most often presented in a suit and tie, with a blue, white flag. , red.

  • He is discreet about his personal life

Millésime K leaks little information about him. We just know that he is in his twenties, that he is from Lyon, his name is Anthony and would have been a football referee. He claims no affiliation to a political movement, and has, for the moment, never supported a politician. In his texts (“Vive la police”) as on Instagram, the rapper shows his support for the police. In December 2021, he also posted a photo of himself on Instagram with masked Versailles BRI police officers. He also regularly calls in his songs to defend “the French” and asks those who do not like France to “clear”.

  • He has nearly 700,000 followers on TikTok

Self-proclaimed “rapper of the moment”, he enjoys a strong audience on social networks. He displays with his videos 700,000 subscribers on Tik Tok where he made himself known. It has since expanded shas notoriety and has accumulated several tens of thousands of followers on YouTube, Instagram or Telegram, where he is very active.

  • He is persona non grata in several cities

Banned from the room in Dijon on April 14, the rapper fell back on an improvised outdoor stage in Chenôve. In Grenoble, the rapper’s concert was canceled at the call of anti-fascist organizations, an identical scenario for Limoges, Lyon or even Clermont-Ferrand. In Toulouse, the socialist federation of Haute-Garonne issued a press release requesting the cancellation of its concert scheduled for April 21.

On its site, Millésime K details the dates and cities of its tour without specifying the venues for its concerts. He only reveals the details a few hours before the event to ticket buyers. The request for an e-mail address is instantaneous accompanied by the message “Stop censorship”.

  • He rents rooms without making himself known

Banned from the hall in Marseille, Millésime K found a way to get on stage… in Aubagne. In a dance school. VSIt was a video of the concert on social networks that alerted the manager of the hall. Millésime K regularly employs a subterfuge with hall rental companies, presenting itself as an event agent or an artist in its own right.

Several renters claim to have been duped by this process. Millésime K would have approached them claiming that it was a concert “which brings together a varied audience”. This is how he managed to perform on March 18 in Montpellier, despite the mobilization of a collective of associations. “He booked for the evening from 6:30 p.m., speaking of a concert lasting an hour, with a varied audience including the elderly.retraces the manager. “He sent me the contract, and his insurance, for me everything was good”, testified the manager of the room “disgusted” near France 3 Occitania.

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