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French Protests Over Teenager’s Police Shooting Quieten Down, Hopes for Turning Point

France Sees Quieter Night of Protests Following Teenager’s Death

France experienced a relatively calm night of protests following the shooting death of a teenager by police, according to the country’s interior minister. The number of arrests decreased compared to previous nights, with the most intense clashes occurring in the southern city of Marseille.

The unrest began after 17-year-old Nahel M was shot by police during a traffic stop on Tuesday. His funeral on Saturday drew large crowds, and protests have since erupted in several French cities.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin praised law enforcement for their “resolute action” in maintaining order, which contributed to the calmer night. Approximately 45,000 police officers were deployed across the country on Saturday.

Despite the decrease in arrests, officials remain cautious and are waiting for more peaceful nights to confirm a positive trend. The hope is that the security crackdown and the widespread disapproval of the rioters’ actions will lead to a decline in unrest.

In Marseille, heavy clashes between police and rioters took place throughout Saturday evening. Videos circulating online show police using tear gas against protesters on La Canebière, the city’s main avenue.

In Paris, a significant number of police officers were stationed along the iconic Champs-Élysées avenue. Calls for protests in the area were largely deterred by the police presence. The capital’s police reported 194 arrests, and all buses and trams were suspended in the Paris region after 9:00 PM for the second consecutive night.

In the Paris suburb of L’Haÿ-les-Roses, attackers rammed a car into the house of the mayor, injuring his wife as she attempted to flee with their two children. Mayor Vincent Jeanbrun described the incident as “a murder attempt of unspeakable cowardice.”

Other cities, including Lille, Lyon, Nice, and Strasbourg, also experienced clashes between protesters and law enforcement. In Lille, police special forces were deployed, and firefighters extinguished fires set by rioters.

Nahel’s funeral service took place at a mosque in Nanterre on Saturday. Supporters of the family requested that the media stay away, and filming, even on phones, was prohibited.

The shooting of Nahel has reignited debates about the state of French policing, including the controversial 2017 firearms law that allows officers to shoot when a driver ignores an order to stop. The incident has also raised questions about racism within the police force. The United Nations’ human rights office stated that the unrest provides an opportunity for France to address deep-rooted issues of racism in law enforcement.

President Emmanuel Macron strongly condemned the violence on Friday and denounced the use of Nahel’s death to justify acts of violence, calling it an “unacceptable exploitation of the adolescent’s death.”

The situation remains tense, and authorities are closely monitoring developments to ensure public safety and maintain order.
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How did the protests in Marseille differ from those in other cities like Paris and Lyon?

Night. Protesters set fire to barricades, threw projectiles at police, and vandalized shops and buildings. The police responded with tear gas and water cannons to disperse the crowds.

The protests in Marseille were particularly intense due to the city’s history of social tensions and a high crime rate. Local authorities have vowed to crack down on the violence and restore order.

Meanwhile, protests in other cities, such as Paris and Lyon, were relatively peaceful. Demonstrators marched through the streets, chanting slogans and holding signs demanding justice for Nahel M. Some clashes did occur between a small group of protesters and the police, but overall, the situation remained calm.

The shooting death of Nahel M has highlighted broader issues of police violence and social inequality in France. Critics argue that incidents like this are not isolated and reflect a systemic problem within the country’s law enforcement. They call for greater accountability and reforms to address police brutality.

The French government has expressed its condolences to Nahel M’s family and promised a transparent investigation into the shooting. President Emmanuel Macron has called for dialogue and urged for peaceful protests. He has also vowed to tackle issues of social injustice and improve relations between the police and the communities they serve.

As France is still grappling with the fallout from Nahel M’s death, the country remains on edge, hoping for a resolution to the protests and a path towards social justice. The coming days will be crucial in determining whether the quieter night of protests was a temporary lull or a sign of a de-escalation in tensions.

1 thought on “French Protests Over Teenager’s Police Shooting Quieten Down, Hopes for Turning Point”

  1. It’s encouraging to see the French protests gradually calming down after the tragic police shooting of a teenager. Hopefully, this can serve as a turning point for improved police-community relations and pave the way for constructive dialogue and lasting reforms.


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