The President of France, Emmanuel Macron, said that he has not changed his opinion about the introduction of Western troops into Ukraine, and he believes that this approach is correct. According to him, if there is a breach of the Russian front line and a request from Ukraine, it is worth thinking about it.
Source: “European reality“, Macron in an interview The Economist
Details: When asked by the interviewer if the French President goes beyond his words regarding the possibility of sending allied troops into Ukraine, Macron answered in the confirmation.
Direct speech from Macron: “As I said, I do not rule anything out because we are dealing with someone who does not rule anything out.
He maintains that it is a deterrent tool without giving the enemy a full understanding of what actions can or should not be expected.
“Otherwise we will weaken ourselves, and this is the “framework” in which we have been working until now and indeed, many countries in the following weeks said that they understood our approach, agreed with our position and that it was correct. ” added the French President.
Macron noted that France has had recent experience with military interventions, especially in Africa to fight terrorism, at the request of the relevant sovereign states.
Direct speech from Macron: “If the Russians had broken through the front and if there had been a request from Ukraine – and now this is not the case – we would legitimately ask ourselves such a question. Therefore, I think that to send out such a situation would mean that we would not have learned the lessons of the last two years.”
He said that Moscow’s aggressive response to his initial statements proved that they had the desired effect.
2024-05-02 11:45:00
#Macron #refuse #send #troops #Russian #Federation #breaks #front #line #request #Ukraine