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French People’s Support for Reducing Air Travel for Environmental Reasons: Survey Results

More broadly, 64% of French people aged 18 and over say they are in favor of reducing their use of the plane in the medium term for environmental reasons.

At the individual level, not flying is often one of the means mentioned to reduce your carbon footprint. According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), emissions generated by the aviation sector represent approximately 2% of global emissions. For Ademe, the figure could however rise to 3%.

In this survey, we also learn that the share of French people under 35 ready to reduce their use of the plane peaks at 72%.

Young people more favorable to the proposal, but Ile-de-France residents more reluctant

“We are certainly in the declarative, these intentions must pass the test of the facts, comments Philippine Van Tichelen, general manager of Here, but these figures draw a very clear majority in favor of a reduction in the use of the plane . The ecological awareness is obvious. Regarding Jean-Marc Jancovici’s proposal, young people are even more in favor of limiting four plane trips in a lifetime (48% of people under 35, against 41% of French people in general).

Conversely, Ile-de-France residents are less favourable: only 33% (and 43% would not be at all favourable). “A surprising figure, which could be explained by the fact that Ile-de-France residents are more often led to take the plane for their business trips and, therefore, that the remaining share for their personal trips out of the quota of four flights per life per nobody would be even more reduced, ”says Philippine Van Tichelin.

Only 11% of French people say they fly regularly

The plane pollutes, but only part of the population uses it. 11% of French people say they take the plane regularly and 56% take it occasionally, while 33% say they never take it, according to an Ifop survey for the Jean Jaurès Foundation, published in June 2022. “Most trips are made by the wealthiest individuals, 50% of travelers are CSP +”, says Ademe.

The “awareness”, of which this study would be proof, deserves to be placed in a context where, in June 2023, air transport in France regained 93% of its 2019 passengers, according to statistics from the general management. civil aviation (DGAC). The number of passengers on board planes from or to France almost doubled between 1999 and 2019.

2023-08-07 04:14:43
#French #people #ready #fly #times #life #France #TOPNews.MEDIA

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