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French people will run the New York marathon while others are deprived of it

On October 15, the White House announced the reopening of the American borders on November 8. Or the day after the New York Marathon. For the French who were to participate in this legendary race, the frustration is great. In contrast, in New York, expatriates run the marathon for a good cause. Focus.

These French people deprived of the New York marathon

You don’t run the New York Marathon like any other race. The largest marathon in the world, with some 50,000 participants each year, the race is a unique experience, for which some are ready to cross the world. Last year, New York was scheduled to celebrate its 50th marathon. It was canceled for the second time in its history. Pandemic obliges! This year, the travel ban will be lifted on November 8, the day after the race, which prevents runners from Europe in particular from coming to New York. This is the case of Nawel Faref, a Frenchwoman from Toulouse whose New York marathon was the present of her 40th birthday. ” What a desappointment ! I signed up for the New York Marathon in October 2019 for the 2020 Marathon, the 50th anniversary. It was canceled due to covid! So I postponed my registration to 2021, right on my 40th birthday. I gave myself a nice gift, »Explains the young woman. And to add ” It was to be my first marathon. Three weeks from the date, we learn that the American government has decided to reopen the borders on November 8, the day after the marathon! My dream is collapsing. Our agency (Planet Tour) tried to appeal to the American Embassy in Paris to try to obtain exemptions, but we obtained a refusal. I was so disappointed! So I postponed my registration again for 2022, hoping that this time it would be the right one! In order not to lose the benefit of all these hours of training, I registered in France for the marathon between Nice and Cannes on November 28. So this will be my first marathon, and New York may be my second, in 2022 for my 41th birthday! ».

Others had planned to come to New York as a supporter. This is the case of Hanne Kristine Jensen, who lives in Normandy. She was due to arrive in early November to support her son, who has been living in New York for 7 years and who will run his very first marathon this Sunday. ” It was important for me to be there, to support my son »She explains. His trip had been planned since June. ” My son told me Biden was going to open in November. So I changed my ticket for November 4th, then when we got the exact reopening date, I changed my ticket again for November 10th. Fortunately, Air France changes tickets without too much constraint »Specifies the disappointed mother. And to put into perspective ” there are still worse and much more serious “. Indeed…

These French people who run for a cause

In New York, French runners in the city will go above and beyond for a cause. Like Jeanne, Yann, Anne-Valérie, Philippe, Sophie, Anne, Fanny, Didier, Anne, Geoffroy, Olaf and Mathieu, all members of Accueil New York and united around a common passion: racing. But not only ! Together, these Flamingos – the name of their team – are mobilizing to serve a great cause, run their marathon for raise funds for the Lyon association APPEL which supports children with cancer and their families. L’APPEL, the Philanthropic Association of Parents of Children with Leukemia or Other Cancers, was created in 1978 by the desire of a group of parents concerned with improving the daily lives of children and adolescents hospitalized in pediatric oncology in hospitals. from Lyon and St-Etienne. Jeanne, a member of the team, is going through this difficult ordeal today with her close family. This encouraged the team to run the 42 kilometers to help these children stricken by the disease.

Mirjam, Marie, Agathe, Alain, Arnaud, Régis, Florence, Emmanuel, Antoine, Céline, Manuela, Gregorio, David, Pierre and Stéphan go run for First Candle. 15 years ago, Mirjam Lavabre was struck by what is most abominable, losing a child. Her little Lola was 5 months old when she went to join the stars. Each year, there are approximately 3,400 sudden and unexpected infant deaths in the United States. These deaths occur in infants under one year of age and do not have an immediately obvious cause, it can strike any newborn. ” On June 15th, which is the day Lola left, I was looking at the foundations to be supported in order to be able to run the marathon, and really by accident, I came across First Candle, »Explains Mirjam« I contacted them and they answered me immediately, we had our bibs to run the marathon, we are all going to run together for the cause of First Candle, supported by the Longchamps brand and I am very moved by it ».

Mirjam says ” I run for families who have lost a child, to help these families. For my part, I was very supported, so surrounded, our friends had even launched a pot which allowed us not to have to work for several months, but not everyone has the chance to be surrounded. Thus. And we have to help these families ».

The causes supported will be numerous, if many come to help those who are going through tragedies, the epic will be joyful and the will to help will remain the plan to surpass oneself.

For his part, Jérémie Robert, Consul General of France in New York, will thank the French running the New York Marathon for the benefit of an association, by inviting them to a reception given in their honor on November 10, 2021.

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