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French journal on health and the territories

French journal on <a data-ail="1624451" target="_blank" href="https://www.world-today-news.com/category/health/" >health</a> and the territories

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  • > Endometriosis and inequalities

    This study day aims to bring together social science researchers for the first time in France around the study of endometriosis. Despite its high prevalence, its disabling nature and its age, this disease remains under-studied both in the medical field and in the social sciences. Thus, this meeting proposes to establish an inventory of research and to initiate reflection around the management or lack of management of endometri …

  • > Between work and training: perspectives on current issues of vocational training

    The aim of the conference is to pay tribute to the pioneers of professional didactics on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of its creation, to question the interfaces of professional didactics with other approaches, to bring visibility to the local realities of teaching. vocational training and to promote the presence and contributions of professionals engaged in the various training environments.

  • > Ocean skins, sea skins

    This issue focuses on the links between humans and marine waters, notably through ocean medicine (blue health / blue medicine), pathologies and care, modifications and imaginations of skin in contact with these waters.


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