Influencers on social networks are in the sights of the government. The DGCCRF, Directorate General for Competition and Fraud Control, checked 50 influencers during the first quarter of 2023. Result: 30 influencers among the 50 checked were the subject of reports of violations. These checks show an intensification of influencer marketing checks in the first quarter of 2023.
Non-transparent influencers
Why are there penalties? The 30 pinned influencers were not transparent about the commercial nature of their approach or the identity of the person on whose behalf they were acting. The checks led to the issuance of 18 injunctions to cease illicit practices and 16 criminal reports. It should be noted that these 50 checks represent almost as many checks in 3 months as in 2022. A statement of offense was established for 60% of the influencers checked, liable to prosecution for misleading commercial practices.
Control of the influence sector will remain a priority for the government and the Autorité de la concurrence
Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, Olivia Grégoire Delegate Minister in charge of Small and Medium Enterprises, Trade, Crafts and Tourism and the DGCCRF declare that the control of the sector influence will remain a priority for action.
The DGCCRF will continue its checks in the influence sector in 2023, stating that it wants to ensure consumer protection at a high level. The authority considers that the omnipresence of influencers on social networks and the bad practices of some of them justify this mobilization and this vigilance.
A publication of the measures taken against certain influencers
Bruno Le Maire and the DGCCRF announce that they will make public the measures taken against certain influencers in order to raise awareness of the issues of loyalty in compliance with the procedures of the Consumer Code.
A bill was presented to the Economic Affairs Committee in the Senate on Wednesday May 3 and will be put to the vote on May 9. The objective is better regulation of the influence sector. The set of measures aims to fight against scams and excesses of influencers on social networks.
The text aims to strengthen the powers of the DGCCRF to put an end to illicit behavior more quicklys
This bill aims to give the activity of influence a clearer and more secure framework for consumers. This proposal seeks to define the activity of commercial influence, clarify the rules to be respected in terms of advertising, and regulate commercial relations between brands, influencers and their agents. The text aims to strengthen the powers of the DGCCRF to stop illegal behavior more quickly, and reaffirm the obligations of digital platforms enshrined in European law according to the DSA regulation concerning the fight against illegal content and the moderation of influencer accounts. .
The establishment of the commercial influence brigade, announced by Bruno Le Maire last March, will be effective in September 2023, in order to strengthen the controls of the DGCCRF. The DGCCRF recalls that consumers can report any unfair practice to its Signalconso platform, which includes a section dedicated to commercial influence.
Key information on this subject

2023-05-03 22:07:09
#influencers #pinned #fraud #prevention #authority #denounced