Home » today » News » French Drug Trafficker Moufide Bouchibi Takes Legal Action Against Sentence and Reveals Damaged Evidence

French Drug Trafficker Moufide Bouchibi Takes Legal Action Against Sentence and Reveals Damaged Evidence

It is a not trivial procedure initiated by the man whom the judicial and police authorities consider to be one of the most powerful French drug traffickers. According to our information, Moufide Bouchibi, 43 years old, alias “Mouf”, “Mof”, or even the “Parisian”, decided to take legal action after his sentence to eighteen years in prison – accompanied by a period of security of two thirds –, in February 2022, by the Court of Appeal of Bordeaux (Gironde). A sentence to which were added fines amounting to nearly 6 million euros.

Arrested in March 2021 in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) after more than ten years on the run around the world, this green gold baron has been incarcerated since his return to France at the Nancy-Maxéville penitentiary center (Meurthe-et-Moselle). ). His lawyers, Messrs Keren Saffar, Thomas Bidnic, Amar Bouaou and Raphaël Chiche, filed two complaints against X in order to denounce the conditions in which he was sentenced.

In one of them, filed at the beginning of last August with the Bordeaux public prosecutor, his counsel points to the destruction of the seals containing the wiretaps attributed to their client by the police.

A case in which Moufide Bouchibi, originally from Orsay (Essonne), also nicknamed the “Ghost”, was accused of importing from Morocco, to France and via Spain, at least three tonnes of cannabis resin, between the months of January and August 2011. During his trial, the defendant had requested a copy of these seals “supporting the recordings of telephone communications attributed to him but to which he constantly deny having participated, conversations which constituted the exclusive basis of the accusation and the guilt declared by the court of appeal”, denounce his lawyers.

A destruction of seals ordered by “error” in November 2019 by the public prosecutor of Bordeaux as part of a plan to purify the seals, as recognized by the courts. An “error” through which his advice reveals a “desire to obstruct the truth”. The latter also filed a cassation appeal.

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In their second complaint to the dean of the investigating judges of the Mulhouse judicial court (Bas-Rhin), the same lawyers go even further by noting “several inconsistencies and notable differences between the existence and duration of the intercepted and transcribed communications and their characteristics reported on the detailed billings for these lines.” They therefore took legal action for acts of “forgery of public documents and complicity in forgery of public documents committed by persons holding public authority” and “use of forgery”.

In a confidential note from the central directorate of the judicial police (DCPJ), this kingpin of urban drug trafficking, suspected of having amassed several tens of millions of euros and already convicted eight times – including four for drug trafficking –, is described as “the main supplier of hashish to the French market”. Justice describes him as “the trader closest to the producers” of the Moroccan Rif. A major “drug trafficker” that investigators from the Anti-Narcotics Office (Ofast, formerly OCRTIS) struggled to find for many years, before locating him in Dubai.

Moufide Bouchibi was the victim of a kidnapping, in October 2009, in a street in Casablanca, Morocco, before being kidnapped and tortured on a farm, then being demanded the repayment of a debt of 650,000 euros contracted with another trafficker. Released after paying part of this sum, Moufide Bouchibi then decided to take revenge. He is suspected of having sponsored several settling of scores in the Shereef kingdom. After this bloody episode, he took refuge in Algeria and then covered his tracks by traveling regularly between Thailand, Turkey, Tanzania and Malaysia.

Before being caught under the sun of the Dubai city which has become, in recent years, the Eldorado of French drug traffickers.

#Drug #lord #files #complaint

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