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French bury hatchet in champagne riot with Russia Abroad

The French champagne houses bury the hatchet with Russia, and will start exporting champagne again to Russia from September 15.

The French embargo was introduced in response to a new Russian law. This prescribes that the name champagne – shampanskoye in Russian – will henceforth be reserved for locally made champagne. Foreign sparkling wines – including French champagne – must be sold as sparkling wines.

The obligation refers to the fine print on the back of the bottle. Champagne, in Latin script, may still be used on the front.

Sparkling wine

In protest, French champagne houses announced an export ban to Russia for their champagnes in July. But according to the French trade magazine Land of Wines the professional association of champagne producers has now decided to lift the embargo from 15 September.

On the back of the bottles will be printed in Russian ‘sparkling wine’, albeit with the mention that the wine comes from the French champagne region.

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