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Freiburg’s first parkour course has opened in Dietenbachpark – Freiburg

Not only children get their money’s worth on the redesigned playground in Weingarten: Parkour elements are also waiting to be conquered acrobatically. Now the place has opened.

The playground is the first of three to be renewed with 500,000 euros for the city’s anniversary. The playground in the Seepark will open in a month. There and in Dietenbachpark, 100,000 euros from the Renate and Waltraut Sick Foundation made possible including elements.

Finally it starts: Anne (9), Philine (10), Ann-Sophie and Luise (both 11) storm up one of the hills to the large climbing frame. Among other things, this includes bridges and the ropes they are attached to first. At the same time, they bob up and down with their feet on moving ropes. The four live in Betzenhausen, and they can be in Dietenbachpark by bike in a few minutes. Ann-Sophie often passed the generation playground during the construction phase. She watched the progress and told the others about it.

The area is a total of 5000 square meters

Behind the hill with the climbing fans, the atmosphere is quieter: there is a large expanse of sand, there are playhouses and a slide. Therese Glaubitz with Chiara (5) and Matteo (2) and Vanessa Hörmann with Frieda (2) sit in the shade under a tree. Therese Glaubitz visits here regularly on the way to kindergarten. She finds the playground ideal for smaller children in particular: “It’s relaxed and there are no dangerous roads nearby.”

But she finds the 5000 square meter area, which is characterized by hills and seating, also great for adults, for walking or picnicking. “Everyone can find something here,” agrees Vanessa Hörmann. She and Frieda watch Frieda’s older siblings: Lotta (6) is standing at the water pump, Jana (8) and Finn (10) are climbing. At some point Vanessa Hörmann wants to try something out herself: “It appeals to me to balance around a bit too.”

You can find more videos from the region on the Youtube channel of the Badische Zeitung.

Juan Agostini, Ian Simon (both 18) and Lasse Winterholler (17) started this long ago. Not in the children’s area, however, but a little further with parkour. Boys and young men shimmy along bars, jump back and forth between the blocks, which are set up at different heights, and roll over in the air. So far they could only train at “normal” playgrounds, now there is the first official parkour, says Lasse Winterholler. In the last planning phase, the three of them were able to help shape the building and, for example, pleaded for rough stones because they prevent them from slipping. Before that, too, a young team of three was involved, says Niklas Fimm from the “Haus der Jugend”, who was responsible for working with the planners and architects. It was similar with the playground, where two groups of children from the Weingarten Children’s and Youth Center helped to plan, says its director Karin Seebacher.

Next playground inauguration: in autumn in the Seepark

Mayor Martin Horn promises that there will be 16 more fruit trees in autumn. He and building mayor Martin Haag thank Renate Sick-Glaser, whose donation made it possible with their donation that, among other things, climbing offers for people with handicaps are included. The inauguration of the playground in the Seepark follows at the end of August. The participation process for the third anniversary playground in Colombipark will not start until autumn.

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