Home » today » News » Freiburg: Thomas Reis – By far the best (February 20, 8 p.m.) ++ Jazz Classics – John Coltrane (February 22, 8 p.m.) ++ Events as part of #inFreiburgzuhause

Freiburg: Thomas Reis – By far the best (February 20, 8 p.m.) ++ Jazz Classics – John Coltrane (February 22, 8 p.m.) ++ Events as part of #inFreiburgzuhause

– Sa, 20.02.2021 | 20:00 – Live from the front house
Genre: cabaret

Thomas Reis – cabaret artist
Laughter in times of the Corona has its own laws. This is why Thomas Reis, who was born in Kirchzart, is now playing an (almost entirely) new program. “By far the best”, a loaded, humorous giant package with many current, vulnerable and infectious texts, peppered with comical classics of his satirical work. With this dazzlingly astute cabaret program full of light-footed bite, Reis creates a completely new Wirus feeling. We laugh ourselves dead because laughter is the best medicine. It’s a dilemma. Just like the topic that dominates us all. Can you still hear it? No. Are you interested in something else? No. That is the second dilemma. Thomas Reis will lead you out of this dilemma. How? You will experience that when you tune in – and you will, because where madness becomes sense, humor becomes a duty!
“By far the best” is not to lose your sense of humor, and cabaret à la Thomas Reis is definitely the best for that. In spring 2020 he was awarded the honorary prize of the Cabaret Prize of the State of Baden-Württemberg for his (previous) oeuvre.
“He plays in the Champions League when it comes to sharpness. (…) This is what brilliant cabaret looks like, in this quality an absolute extra class. “

Jury Cabaret Prize
Jazz Classics – John Coltrane
Mon, 22.02.2021 | 20:00
Live from the Jazzkongress eV / Gasthaus Schützen
Jürgen Hagenlocher Quartet
Jürgen Hagenlocher – Tenorsaxophon
Andy Herrmann – piano
Jens Loh – Double Bass
Matthias Daneck – drums

Afro-American music with its wealth of forms of expression, its honesty and its permanent development processes are always captivating. It was the same for Jürgen Hagenlocher, who had his first encounter with jazz with John Coltrane and was gripped by this intensity and the powerful sound of the Coltrane Quartet from the start. In this Jazz Classics program, he and his quartet devote himself entirely to Coltrane’s music, which he lets sound out anew, as a tribute to one of the greatest jazz saxophonists.
John Coltrane’s compositions impress with their incredibly high emotionality and spirituality. Maintaining this level of energy and expression is the challenge. At the same time, the compositions are musically very complex and demand great virtuosity from the musicians. Jürgen Hagenlocher has a perfectly coordinated rhythm section at his side for this task. Andy Herrmann’s accomplished piano playing and his ingenuity, Jens Loh’s authentic groove and Matthias Daneck’s perfect timing make this band a very special kind of emotional musical experience.

In 2019 Jürgen Hagenlocher released the new album “JHQ plays Coltrane” and he can also be heard on 18 other CD productions, including 6 under his own name. He played at well-known jazz festivals such as Montreux, Bern, Mulhouse, Delmenhorst, Saarbrücken St. Peterburg and with well-known international musicians. Randy Brecker writes about Jürgen Hagenlocher: “Juergen Hagenlocher plays with a full bodied tone and has a fresh conception brimming with new ideas. This is a first rate CD filled with great playing and compositions from all concerned

Here is the idea again:
After an idea and on the initiative of the Sparkasse Freiburg-Nördlicher Breisgau, a possibility was developed in cooperation with the FWTM (operator) and Kulturaggregat eV to offer us all the finest cultural enjoyment even in these times.

#inFreiburgzuhause is a new online platform through which high-quality events from the Freiburg venues and cultural centers can be experienced live. At home or on the go, on your PC, laptop, iPad or smartphone. With funds from Sparkasse, FWTM, SC Freiburg and other sponsors, an attempt is being made to offer the venues and cultural centers a perspective again in times of reduced contacts and to help them through the crisis. Of course, the #inFreiburgzuhause project also depends on the public. Anyone can support the venues and artists by (voluntarily) purchasing virtual tickets. You too can contribute personally to keeping the diverse cultural landscape alive here.

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