Home » today » News » Freiburg: Reported to an emergency person in the Dreisam in Freiburg – canoeist capsized and was rescued by colleagues

Freiburg: Reported to an emergency person in the Dreisam in Freiburg – canoeist capsized and was rescued by colleagues

A person in the flood-bearing Dreisam was reported via the Europe-wide emergency number 112 of the integrated control center Freiburg-Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.

When the keyword “Person in Dreisam” is used, five departments of the volunteer fire department are alerted in addition to the fire service personnel. In addition, the rescue divers “Penguins” and the DLRG are called to the site.

When the emergency services arrived at the scene of the accident, canoeists reported that a colleague had capsized, but had already been rescued by them and was probably up.

The further search was then terminated.

(Info: City of Freiburg, Office for Fire and Disaster Protection)

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