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Freiburg Report on Sexual Abuse by Clergy: Consequences and Actions Taken by the Catholic Church

Freiburg (dpa/lsw) – Six months ago, the Freiburg report on sexual abuse by clergy sparked astonishment and criticism. The study by independent experts published on April 18th focused primarily on the era of Archbishop Robert Zollitsch (85), who was in power in the large archdiocese until 2013. The allegations of cover-up were particularly serious – the clergyman was chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference from February 2008 to March 2014 and thus the face and voice of the Catholic Church.

The head of the archdiocese, Christoph Neubrand, said that the diocese leadership had already acted before the final report and also in the six months afterward in response to a dpa request. “We continue to work consistently on improvements in the areas of intervention and prevention. The report has consequences,” assured the Vicar General.

Processes for new reports of attacks and sexual violence were therefore reviewed and revised. This also applies to conditions for the accused. “The methods of working in the Archbishop’s Ordinariate, which were mentioned in the final report, were also taken into account again,” said Neubrand.

The advisory board for those affected in the archdiocese says it receives messages from those affected who are surprised by the church’s silence. “For many of those affected, not much has changed with the report. They are waiting for consequences to be drawn from the report, for words to be followed by actions. From their point of view, this has not happened so far,” reported the independent committee to support those affected when asked .

The advisory board also wanted more speed. “It may be that measures were taken within the ordinariate, but nothing noticeable happened externally.” Overall, the report contributed to raising people’s awareness of the issue. Until around mid-July there were many inquiries from those affected, relatives of those affected, parishes and church employees. “Many people wanted to receive assessments from us on issues, express their solidarity, but also express their dissatisfaction.” The flood of emails has now decreased.

After the report, there was silence around Zollitsch, who no longer holds any office and had remained silent about the allegations in the report. However, the former archbishop returned his Federal Cross of Merit and other high awards. The diocese leadership also decided to hang the portraits of Zollitsch and his late predecessor Oskar Saier in the bishop’s seat.

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