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Freiburg incidence stable below 50 – further easing from Monday – Freiburg

Freiburg is the third region in southern Baden to achieve stable values ​​below the threshold of the risk area. This enables further loosening – in addition to the already applicable opening level 1.

As the Freiburg city administration announced on Whit Sunday, May 23rd, access to the Mundenhof and the museums will be considerably easier from Whit Monday, May 24th. For the retail trade, the relief will take effect from Tuesday, May 25, and for schools after the end of the Whitsun holidays.

“In the area of ​​the urban district of Freiburg, the 7-day incidence of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants has fallen below since May 19, 2021, which is five consecutive days.” This will be determined by the responsible health department on Pentecost Sunday, as provided for in the Corona ordinance of the state of Baden-Württemberg.

The office takes the figures from the Robert Koch Institute as a basis, according to the largely identical published values ​​of the State Health Office, the easing level was already reached on Saturday evening. These relaxations already apply in the districts of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and Emmendingen.

The regulations in detail

  • Private get-togethers are permitted with ten people from a maximum of three households (children in the respective households under the age of 14 are not included).

  • At the Mundenhof there is still a limited one
    The parking contingent and the parking tickets must be booked online. In addition, there is no longer an obligation to book an appointment. The Mundenhof asks visitors to make it easier to record contact data and to avoid queues in the entrance area by already printing out and filling out the contact data recording form available on the Mundenhof’s website or by using the Luca app on site.

  • Libraries, archives, museums (the museums are also open on Whit Monday), galleries and the Mundenhof are again allowed to open without a general limit on the number of people in relation to the area, the facilities may provide individual visitor limits. The visitors must keep their distance from other people and the obligation to enter contact data remains. In these facilities, too, there is no longer any need to show evidence of negative tests, vaccinations or recovery.

  • Shops are generally allowed to open. Shopping is now possible again without an appointment and a fixed time window, contact details no longer have to be recorded and the area-related personal restriction has been relaxed to one customer per ten square meters of sales area. For shops that are not grocery stores and have more than 800 square meters of sales area, the restriction to one customer per 20 square meters applies above the 800 square meters. There is no test obligation for customers.

  • In schools, the distance requirement is lifted at secondary and vocational schools; at the same time, outdoor sports are permitted in class and school classes are allowed to go on day trips again. Should the 7-day incidence again exceed 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants on three consecutive days, the easing must be withdrawn.

Background of the regulations

The Baden-Württemberg Corona Ordinance provides for gradual easing: after five consecutive working days with a 7-day incidence below 100, the 1st stage begins in a city or district. If the incidence remains consistently below 100 and has a downward trend, the 2nd and 3rd stages come into effect 14 days later. A downward trend can be assumed if the average incidence of the 14 days is lower than the incidence on the first day of the respective opening level. The 1st opening level has been in effect in the Freiburg urban district since May 15th. The health department publishes the current regulations at http://www.breisgau-hochschwarzwald.de

All current information is also available on the municipal homepage http://www.freiburg.de/coronavirus to find.-

The regulations for opening level 1 in detail

  • Cultural events, especially theater, opera and concert performances as well as film screenings, with up to 100 visitors outdoors.

  • Courses for Adult education centers and similar educational institutions for groups of up to ten participants, with the exception of dance and sports courses, in closed rooms. Up to 20 people can participate outdoors.

  • Tutoring for groups of up to ten students.

  • Top or professional sports events with up to 100 spectators outdoors.

  • Events for Practice of religion without prior registration and notification.

  • the operation of Galleries, museums and memorials generally.

  • the operation of Archives and Libraries generally.

  • the operation of Music, art, youth art schools, in groups of up to ten students, with the exception of dance, ballet, singing and wind instrument lessons.

  • the operation of Accommodation establishments and other facilities in general. The operation of Coaches in tourist traffic is permitted provided that the start and destination of the trip are in an urban or rural district in which the federal emergency brake does not currently apply, and that the maximum occupancy of the respective coach is half of the regular number of passengers.

  • the operation of zoological and botanical gardens generally. The operation of excursion boats as well as museum and tourist cable cars is permitted provided that the start and destination of the trip are in an urban or rural district in which the federal emergency brake does not currently apply, and that the respective means of transport has a maximum occupancy half of the regular number of passengers.

  • the operation of Mini golf courses, high ropes courses, boat rental and other outdoor recreational facilities for use by up to 20 people at the same time.

  • the operation of Sports facilities and sports facilities as well as comparable facilities for low-contact leisure and amateur sports outdoors in groups of up to 20 people.

  • the operation of the Outdoor areas of swimming pools, thermal pools and fun pools and other pools and bathing lakes with controlled access in general.

  • the operation of the Hospitality, especially the Bars and restaurants and the catering establishments within the meaning of Section 25 (2) Catering Act (GastG), with the number of customers present at the same time being limited to one person for every 2.5 square meters of restaurant space within closed rooms and without any limitation on the number of customers associated exterior surfaces permitted; Operation is permitted between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. and the seats are to be arranged in such a way that there is a distance of at least 1.5 meters between the tables.

  • the operation of Pet salons, pet hairdressers and comparable animal care facilities in general.

  • the operation of People, Cafeterien at universities and academies as well Company canteens generally. As part of their hygiene concepts, the operators have to implement a personal limit so that the minimum distance of 1.5 meters can be maintained between all visitors.

  • Face-to-face events at universities and academies outdoors with up to 100 participants and subject to prior registration, access to learning places is permitted; the regulations for libraries remain unaffected.

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