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Freiburg in Corona mode: No #WORDS TO KNOW and almost no Christmas market »Medicine & More» SciLogs

Actually, the GOOD TO KNOW would take place in Freiburg. But three days before the starting shot, the normally annual scientific journalists’ conference had to be canceled for the third time due to the corona. At almost the same time, large parts of the Freiburg Christmas market fell victim to the pandemic. I was in town anyway. Alone and with a mask.

What is a Christmas market without decorations, mulled wine stands, chestnuts and roasted almonds? Last Thursday, the mulled wine stands were dismantled in beautiful Freiburg im Breisgau.

View of Freiburg from the Schlossberg (photos Credit: Dr. Karin Schumacher)

Coronaviruses are once again endangering our health system just in time for Advent. The clinics are at their limit, more and more intensive care units are full.

On Friday there was this message:

Presence and / or Prevention?

Even in Corona times, nothing can replace a face-to-face event and on-site networking. Of course, this does not only apply to (unvaccinated) students.

Good science journalism is also more important than ever. That is why the 2G-plus regulation and of course a mask requirement etc. would have applied at this year’s WISSENSWERTE.

The normally annual conference of science journalists would actually have turned 18 this year. But growing up is difficult, especially in times of pandemic.

WISSENSWERTE should take place on the exhibition grounds in Freiburg in November 2020. But at that time the second corona wave was raging in Germany. Therefore, the event was postponed to spring and thus to the third wave.

In view of the vaccine shortage at the time, the annual conference was moved back to autumn. They hoped for a good vaccination and at least one or two more miracles. Well then. At least about the willingness to be vaccinated, we did not only have heated discussions on my blog in the summer.

Rejection of the KEY TO KNOW – a wise decision!

Now the fourth wave is raging, and there is a lack of booster options and (intensive) beds in many places. In view of this dramatic development, the fair was reasonably canceled at short notice.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to everyone involved. It was a wise decision, even if it would have been nice to finally meet again in real life after many months.

Hopefully the new date will have a better star. Perhaps, for a change, a meeting in the summer can be considered … ????

Freiburg without NEEDS TO KNOW

I would have loved to travel to Freiburg im Breisgau, especially last year. At that time there was still a person who was very dear to my heart. Unfortunately, she was not allowed to see the last turn of the year. No, she did not die of or with Corona. But this is another story.

Therefore, despite everything, I decided to go to Freiburg at least this year – with or without KEY TO KNOW.

Today I strolled through the city. It was cloudy and an icy wind was blowing through the medieval streets. Yesterday’s snow had melted and the few Christmas trees were struggling to withstand the storm. On the almost deserted market square there is a general “mask requirement”. Well then. This time I was very happy about it, because the mouthwear also warmed a little.

The Freiburg Minster impresses with its 116 meter high tower, which was once considered the “most beautiful tower in Christendom”. Built between 1200 and 1513, it is one of the few large Gothic churches that were completed in the Middle Ages and that have remained almost intact to this day. An impressive, silent witness who reminds us of our dimensions and teaches us awe. How many epidemics has this masterpiece already seen? How many generations of people have built on it?

On the other side of the really impressive building, some hungry people crowded in front of sausage stands. The “Lange Rote”, the smallest Freiburg landmark, is touted as an absolute “must” for every visit to Freiburg at the Münstermarkt. I preferred to do without it.

Besides, my hands were already very clammy. And waiting in line to check into a store or get tested just to warm up for a few minutes? Not that great either. In any case, most of the people were at the Corona test tent. Is that so healthy?

Corona tests instead of chestnuts and roasted almonds. Advent in Freiburg im Breisgau, anno 2021.

Stricter corona rules in the Ländle: vaccination centers have been rebuilt and Christmas markets restricted.

A bit of the Christmas market still remained and I hope that the dealers and customers don’t freeze too much.

Freiburg in summer?

By the way, yesterday I took a look at Freiburg from above in wonderful winter weather. There was no problem of distance. Even though it was colder, I didn’t freeze. Whether Zähringer Burg, Rossberg or Schlossberg – the landscape is fantastic. And if the next KEY TO KNOW is scheduled for a change in hopefully less Corona (summer) times, next time I might even bring my mountain bike. Because Freiburg also has great potential in this regard.

Until then – everyone stays healthy and gets through the winter safely!

View of the snow-covered Freiburg from the Rossberg.

Mountain bike paradise Freiburg. The corona risk in this sport is low (as long as you don’t get injured and need medical treatment) …

Nothing going on in front of the rebuilt (mini) vaccination center next to the failed GOOD TO KNOW – is that enough to break the pandemic?

It is compulsory to wear a mask on the deserted Münsterplatz – especially nice protection from the cold in this place these days.

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