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“Freiburg Implements Nightly Ban on Music in Public Parks to Curb Resident Complaints”

Freiburg (dpa / lsw) – With a nightly ban on music in public parks, the city of Freiburg wants to curb complaints from residents in the future. As a spokeswoman for the city announced on Wednesday, there were 29 votes in favor of a corresponding park statute in the municipal council. Eight city councilors voted no on Tuesday evening, four others abstained.

In the future, no musical instruments may be played in the green spaces between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. The largest faction in the Freiburg municipal council are the Greens (13 seats), followed by the SPD/Kulturliste and the left-wing alternatives “One City for All” (each with 7 out of 48 seats). Mayor Martin Horn is independent.

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