Announcement of the finding that the incidence value has fallen below 50 in the Freiburg urban district
The District Office Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald –Gesundheitsamt– provides due to § 20 paragraph 3 sentence 1 of the regulation of the state government on infection protection measures against the spread of the virus SARS-CoV-2 (Corona regulation -CoronaVO) from 07.03.2021 for the area of the urban district Freiburg the following:
In the area of the urban district of Freiburg, the 7-day incidence of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants has fallen below since March 9, 2021 and has therefore been below for five days in a row.
The legal effects of Section 20 (3) sentence 2 CoronaVO take effect according to Section 20 (7) sentence 1 CoronaVO on the day after the customary announcement.
Freiburg im Breisgau, March 13th, 2021
signed Dorothea Störr-RitterLandratin
REGIOTRENDS info: Corona regulation
Additional easing in counties with a stable 7-day incidence below 50
Stable means: The health department has to determine that the incidence has been below 50 for five days.
Retail outlets, shops and markets can reopen completely under the applicable hygiene requirements for this area: mask requirement (medical or FFP2 / KN95 / N95 mask), limitation of the number of customers to one customer per ten square meters (m²) for the first 800 square meters of sales area and another customer for every additional 20 m² sales area.
Museums, galleries, memorials, zoological and botanical gardens can also be visited without prior booking.
Low-contact sport in small groups of no more than ten people is possible outdoors and on outdoor sports facilities.
Music, art, and youth art schools can offer one-to-one tuition and lessons for groups of up to five children aged 14 and under. This does not apply to ballet and dance schools.
Music, art, and youth art schools can offer one-to-one tuition and lessons for groups of up to five children aged 14 and under. This does not apply to ballet and dance schools.
If the 7-day incidence in a rural district rises above 50 on three consecutive days, these easing automatically cease to apply.
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