Home » today » News » Freiburg: December 10: (Virtual) city tour in Freiburg – “Nine out of 900 – Women’s work has a history” – Online kick-off event of the contact point Women and Work and the city’s women’s representative

Freiburg: December 10: (Virtual) city tour in Freiburg – “Nine out of 900 – Women’s work has a history” – Online kick-off event of the contact point Women and Work and the city’s women’s representative

As part of the 900th anniversary of the city, the contact point women and work and the city women’s representative initiated the project “9 out of 900 – women’s work has history”. The project will be presented to the public on Thursday, December 10th, at 6 p.m. as part of an online event.

From the beginning, Freiburg’s city history was shaped by women and their working lives. Who were these women? What activities did they do? What influence did they have on the fortunes of the city and its residents? The city tour includes nine places in Freiburg’s old town, where the life and work of Freiburg women from different historical epochs can be experienced. The nine selected women each tell their own story: For example, the craftsman Margaretha Wolhartin, the maid Barbara Lauerin and the factory worker Sofie Heidinger. The tour can be experienced using a website with audio files in real locations or virtually. The homepage will be available at www.freiburg.de/9aus900-stadtrundgang from December 11, 2020.

The biographies illustrate that women’s work is not a modern phenomenon, but has a history. Despite all the advances in the political, social and economic area, it is still not adequately visible, recognized and paid for.

“9 out of 900” was realized on the occasion of the Freiburg city anniversary and the 25th anniversary of the contact point women and work and the 35th anniversary of the office for equal rights for women. The project was funded by the city anniversary. The historical research was carried out by the historian Isabelle Zink, the production of the audio files was made possible by SWR Freiburg.

Registration for the kick-off event at www.frauundberuf.freiburg.de or www.freiburg.de/frauenbeauftragte is required! The registered participants will receive a link in advance by email.
Registration deadline is December 8th, 2020!

Further information on the city anniversary:

The anniversary container on the square of the Old Synagogue is open Monday to Friday, 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.!

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