Home » today » News » Freiburg: Building land prices remain at the highest level – Sparkassen Freiburg Nördlicher Breisgau, Hochschwarzwald and Staufen-Breisach are reissuing the land price brochure “For good reason”

Freiburg: Building land prices remain at the highest level – Sparkassen Freiburg Nördlicher Breisgau, Hochschwarzwald and Staufen-Breisach are reissuing the land price brochure “For good reason”

The real estate company of Sparkasse freiburg-Nördlicher Breisgau, together with Sparkasse Hochschwarzwald and Sparkasse Staufen-Breisach, publishes the brochure “Auf gut Grund” (“For good reason”), in which the current land prices in the business areas of the three savings banks are published. The aim of the brochure is to give interested parties a quick overview of the situation regarding building site prices in the region. It shows the district of Emmendingen, the city district of Freiburg and, with a few exceptions, the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.

Managing Director Oliver Kamenisch of Sparkassen-Immobilien Gesellschaft presented the new brochure and explained the source of the data. On the one hand, the values ​​determined by the expert committees of the municipalities contribute to the determination of the land standard values, and on the other hand the savings banks’ own records.

“Overall, it can be observed that the property prices are still at the highest level,” reported Kamenisch. He also explained that it was sometimes very difficult to determine representative values ​​due to the market situation. There are regions in which there have been few sales in the reporting period of the past two years. Some expert committees would therefore not have changed the values ​​announced at the time.

The individual regions

City of Freiburg:

“The urban area continues to enjoy great popularity, which means that four-digit square meter prices across the urban area are now standard. Even previously cheaper districts such as Lehen, Betzenhausen or Mooswald have seen an enormous development, in which the prices have partly doubled, ”Kamenisch states. Only in the Tuniberg communities is relatively cheap building land currently available. But here, too, the real estate specialist expects substantial price increases in the future.

Northern Breisgau:

Prices have also risen along Federal Road 3 and the Rhine Valley Railway, and remain so. However, at a much lower level than in Freiburg. “The infrastructure is crucial here,” says Kamenisch. However, a clear trend can be observed that people who could not acquire building land in Freiburg are increasingly moving to the periphery.

Dreisamtal High Black Forest

While the Dreisamtal has high prices, the property prices remain moderate. The most popular municipalities in the Dreisamtal are Kirchzarten, Stegen and Buchenbach.

Southern Breisgau-Staufen-Breisach

“The middle centers Staufen, Bad Krozingen and Breisach remain attractive and in demand,” said Judith Schweitzer from the real estate company. The demand for houses, apartments and building plots is still high here. That is related to the good infrastructure, Schweitzer knows.

Influence of the Corona crisis on the property market

“There are currently no significant effects on the market,” said Oliver Kamenisch. Although the outbreak of the pandemic did not leave the real estate company without a trace, customer appointments were only postponed and have already been partially made up for.
“Corona did not reduce the need for living space,” says the managing director.

After such a short time, effects on property prices could not yet be determined, explains Kamenisch. However, a reliable assessment can be made here at the earliest at the end of the year. However, it has been observed that both supply and demand have declined somewhat.

The new brochure is now available in the real estate centers of the Sparkassen Freiburg Nördlicher Breisgau, Hochschwarzwald and Staufen-Breisach.

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