Home » today » News » Freiburg: Association of Baden employers’ associations: “Schools and vocational schools are finally open again!” – Falling seven-day incidence value requires lockdown adjustments

Freiburg: Association of Baden employers’ associations: “Schools and vocational schools are finally open again!” – Falling seven-day incidence value requires lockdown adjustments

The reopening of daycare centers and elementary schools originally planned for February 1st in Baden-Württemberg has been put on hold until February 21st. But now we finally have to act!

Many people in the country – especially children and young people – long for the day when they can maintain their social contacts again. A nationwide study by the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf from July 2020 among 1,040 adolescents between 11 and 17 years reported “an increasing number of psychological and psychosomatic abnormalities”. The children have been at home for weeks and social contacts with other peers have been very limited. When fighting the Covid-19 pandemic, the psychological and social effects of the corona measures often played no role. This has to come to an end.

A reopening of elementary schools and day-care centers brings a lot of relief for many parents, because they can take on other tasks carefree – whether in the company or in the home office. Furthermore, there is an urgent need to open the vocational schools, especially since the apprentices there are only taught temporarily. Otherwise the achievement of the training goals is at great risk.

A look at the 7-day incidence of the Robert Koch Institute also shows that this value fell to 83 cases on February 3. In cities like Freiburg im Breisgau it is even 41.1. The goal of the federal government was to undercut the incidence value of 50, this has been achieved locally. This development is very encouraging and calls for a gradual return to normal.

The economy must also find its way back to normal: an examination of the RKI’s figures shows that infections in the workplace are only two to four percent. The task now is to reduce the high incidence figures in the real Covid hotspots, the retirement and nursing homes and hospitals.

“Children and adults need a perspective, especially psychologically. We at VBU expressly welcome the state government’s original will to finally open daycare centers and elementary schools on February 21, and we would like further measures: This concerns the opening of vocational schools and alternating teaching at general schools; But it is also about opening perspectives in retail and catering, ”explains Michael Hafner, General Manager of the Association of Baden Entrepreneurs’ Associations.

(Press release: Association of Badischer Unternehmerverband eV, 03.02.2021)

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