Home » today » News » Freiburg: 18./19. May: Online speed dating for apprenticeships and dual studies – interested parties can create a digital profile free of charge from April 26th – offer from the IHK Südlicher Oberrhein, Chamber of Crafts Freiburg and Freiburg Employment Agency

Freiburg: 18./19. May: Online speed dating for apprenticeships and dual studies – interested parties can create a digital profile free of charge from April 26th – offer from the IHK Südlicher Oberrhein, Chamber of Crafts Freiburg and Freiburg Employment Agency

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Schoolchildren, graduates or those who are doubtful of their studies who would like to start an apprenticeship or a dual study course this year can find the right job at online speed dating for training and dual study on May 18th and 19th. Those interested can set up their digital profile free of charge from April 26th.

Many career orientation offers and vocational training fairs have recently moved into the virtual world. The IHK Südlicher Oberrhein, the Chamber of Crafts Freiburg and the Freiburg Employment Agency would like to offer another offer: Online speed dating for training and dual studies on May 18th and 19th. “It’s really straightforward, unbureaucratic and yet very promising,” says Susanne Stuckmann, who is in charge of the project on the part of the Chamber of Commerce. “The young people meet a large number of training companies that present their offers. Whether gastronomy or hotel business, banks or insurance companies, industrial companies or craft businesses, administrations or service providers – the range of exhibitors is colorful and offers the right conversation partner for every taste and talent Freiburg city district.

From next Monday, April 26th, interested parties can upload their profile – application photo, résumé – free of charge on the platform. There is no need to install an app. Afterwards, the participants can actively search for and like free training and dual study programs. Stuckmann: “If a company also likes the profile of a talent and likes this too, a match is created.” From then on, the: the participant has the opportunity to chat directly with the HR manager and to arrange a date for May 18th or 19th arrange. Katharina Kerin, career advisor at the Freiburg Employment Agency and co-organizer of speed dating, sees many advantages in “It’s a Match”: “With little effort, because only a few clicks are necessary, I can find something that suits me quickly and easily Finding a company and getting started with my apprenticeship or my dual studies. Here I have the opportunity to make my profile interesting; it is not only important to have certificates with good grades! “

All information about online speed dating for training and dual studies on May 18 and 19, as well as the option to register from April 26 at www.suedlicher-oberrhein.ihk.de/speeddating. There are also tips for everyone involved, how they can best present themselves with their profile and online speed dating. The employment counseling service at the Employment Agency on 0800 4555500 will answer any questions you may have.

(Press information: IHK Südlicher Oberrhein, April 22nd, 2021)

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