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Freezing will begin in mid-December

Week of November 23-29 it should be cloudy with rain or showers, from higher altitudes should fall mixed or snow. Night temperatures will range between 2 and -2 ° C. The highest daily temperatures are 4 to 8 ° C.

Period from November 30 to December 6 should probably be the warmest period. Night temperatures should be between 0 and -5 ° C, daytime temperatures between 2 and 6 ° C. it should be cloudy with low clouds and foggy. At the end of the period, there should be more clouds with snow.

In the week of December 7 to 14 should start to freeze significantly at night. Meteorologists calculate that temperatures could drop to -4 ° C, daily temperatures should be between -1 ° C and 5 ° C.

Significantly colder weather should manifest itself in the week from mid-December, ie from December 14 to 20. It should freeze not only at night but also during the day. The lunar outlook assumes night temperatures in the range of -4 ° C to 1 ° C, daytime temperatures can drop to -4 ° C, meteorologists expect an average of around 3 ° C.

In terms of the total amount of precipitation, meteorologists assume that the period from 23 November to 20 December as a whole will be below average, so that the trend of gradual decrease in precipitation in recent weeks will continue.

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