Now a decision has to be made: Do we want to see Madonna’s nipples or do we not want that? The pop star has just criticized the guidelines on Instagram for revealing photos of users. “I still find it amazing that we live in a culture that allows every inch of the female body to be shown, except for the nipple. As if that were the only part of the female anatomy that could be sexualized, ”wrote the 63-year-old about a photo series in which she can be seen in underwear.
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In several places, Madonna covered a nipple with a heart emoji in the pictures. In her own words, she had previously uploaded the photos without the emojis – this series of photos was then deleted, the singer wrote.
The Instagram guidelines on the ban on nude photos state: “This also applies to photos, videos and some digitally created content that shows intercourse, genitals and close-ups of naked buttocks. This also includes certain photos of female nipples. ”
In the context of breastfeeding, childbirth, or to draw attention to health issues, female nipples are allowed. Similar rules apply on Facebook. Male nipples are exempt from the regulation on both platforms.
Under the hashtag #FreeTheNipple (Eng. Free the nipple), women repeatedly report that images showing their nipples are deleted from various platforms without warning.
The cause is actually older. In 2004, during the half-time break of the Super Bowl, singer Justin Timberlake had tampered with the costume of his partner Janet Jackson so brutally that the breast and nipples became visible. Outcry, scandal, nipplegate.
Every woman should decide for herself
Could the allegedly social media not agree that every woman decides for herself in which form of nudity she wants to show herself and be shown?
So that not some supervisor or an algorithm presses the delete button, but rather a woman determines her nipples.