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Free WiFi in Italy, there is something new: online memberships are growing

Free WiFi throughout Italy, memberships are growing (Adobe Stock)

Free WiFi in Italy, news continues to arrive on the project of the Ministry of Economic Development. Over 3200 online registrations

The project announced by the Ministry of Economic Development continues to take shape. Is called Piazza WiFi Italy, and aims to provide free connection throughout the territory thanks to the installation of free hotspots in municipalities and hospitals. At the moment, the initiative has passed 3200 subscriptions, and is continuing to expand visibly.

According to the latest update which dates back to 7 December 2020, they are already 710 municipalities that have hotspots installed, while those who have signed agreements with Infratel Italia rise to 1261. Looking instead at the data relating to accessions, we speak of 3,100 municipalities and 150 hospitals. Of the various hotspots activated in the municipalities, the last ones are those of Casteldaccia in Sicily, Marciana in Tuscany, Bornasco and Jerago con Orago in Lombardy and many others.

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Free WiFi in Italy, the progress of the project

free wifi
The service will expand in the coming months (Adobe Stock)

The one announced by the Ministry of Economic Development is continuing to take shape. With Piazza WiFi Italy, in the coming years more and more citizens will have access to the internet connection for free in some points, thanks to the hotspots installed. At the moment, just under 400 thousand users make use of the WiFi Italia app, thanks to which you can connect to the internet for free. Even the mayors of the participating municipalities said they were very satisfied with the project, as residents can now access the internet in the main squares and other prominent areas.

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Also and above all due to the Coronavirus emergency, hospitals have become another focal point in which to get the connection for free. Many WiFi Access Points have already been installed, so the healthcare professionals and patients can benefit from them.

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