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Free Vaccines for Measles, Rubella, and Polio in Pichincha, Napa, and Orellana

Vaccines against measles, rubella and polio are free in the country. Photo: MSP

In the rural parishes of Pichincha, Napa y orellana it’s already been vaccinated more than 145,000 children against poliomyelitis, measles and the rubella. In the health centers there are still doses for those who have not received this protection.

According to the Ministry of Public Health (MSP), between May 2 and June 23, children from 1 to 12 years of age belonging to Zone 2 were immunized.

The process of immunization in this group of minors is part of the National Vaccination Campaign undertaken by this Portfolio and developed in three phases.

Home immunization continues

Currently, the Vaccination Plan is in its second stage, which is carried out through brigades and door-to-door visits to homes.

For the past few days, MSP personnel have been visiting homes and public spaces (such as shopping malls, terminals, or parks) to reach more children.

So far, in Zonal 2, 88.96% of the target population has already been covered with the second dose. This was stated by Francisco Contreras, zonal coordinator of the MSP.

This Portfolio recalled that in the 125 health centers of Pichincha, Napo and Orellana there are still doses to immunize children who have not accessed the vaccine.

Binational vaccination plan

The MSP coordinates a new joint binational plan to advance vaccination against these three diseases in children living in the southern area of ​​the Ecuadorian border.

With the help of the Peruvian authorities, vaccination is expected to reach more than 2 million children. At least that’s how they established it in a meeting that took place last week, at the Binational Border Assistance Center (Cebaf), in Aguas Verdes.

“In the border area, a sweep will be made to find out the real figures of how much population is vaccinated or still to be vaccinated,” explained Cristina Jácome, National Director of Immunizations.

The launch of the binational vaccination campaign is scheduled for next July 7.

The importance of vaccination

Immunization, insists the MSP, seeks the protection of children, “to achieve immunity, avoid serious diseases and mortality” from these three diseases.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), measles represents one of the leading causes of death in young children.

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2023-07-02 18:08:00
#Vaccination #polio #measles #rubella #fulfilled #rural #areas

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