Pavel Durov has previously revealed that he has more than 100 children
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov said that free IVF treatment will be provided to women who are willing to use their sperm. Pavel is creating such a system in collaboration with UltraVita Fertility Clinic. It is argued that its aim is to help couples and women who have problems due to infertility.
An advertisement for such a system was published on the UltraVita fertility clinic website. The clinic guarantees free IVF with the sperm of the most famous entrepreneur Pavel Durov and excellent care and services from experienced doctors during the treatment.
The instructions on the website say that women who want to undergo IVF treatment using Pavel Durov’s sperm should first consult with the clinic. Healthy women under 37 years of age are considered for this. Then during the meeting with the doctor, there will be an explanation about the IVF treatment. Clinic officials said that after conducting the necessary tests, a decision will be made as to whether he deserves treatment.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov had previously revealed that he has more than 100 children. He revealed that he had children through sperm donation.
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#Free #IVF #treatment #sperm #Telegram #leader #promise
2024-11-14 03:52:00