Home » World » Free air conditioners in Dallas: authorities share how to get them | Video | Univision 23 Dallas Ft. Worth KUVN

Free air conditioners in Dallas: authorities share how to get them | Video | Univision 23 Dallas Ft. Worth KUVN

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a peak, in those peaks of theyear in which there is usually a lotAngelina: You have to havebe very careful.Let’s talk about another topic thatIt has to do with health, asof 350 families are protected fromheat thanks to a program ofair installationfree conditioning byfrom the health department ofdallas county.Miguel: to get to know it up closeThese experiences, workI visit the home labraI visit a couple’s homethat I couldn’t sleep because of himheat, laura.Laura: I can tell you that it is notlittle thing, we arrived at the momentof the installation, we writein that room before thatthey put the air in itwindow air conditioning, isbasically impossible to sleepaí, but also, it fills me withsatisfaction because it was worth itfamily they knewThis program thanks tonews 23.Mr. Joe and Mrs.Rachel lives in this house indallas that does have airconditioned, but it isinsufficient.In his room he doesn’t arrive,They have +1 year in this onemore than a year in thissituation, at night staysin the living room because it’s cooler.We couldn’t sleep because of itIt was hot, thank God.that we can sleep better now.laura: for his wife it is moredifficult because it is diaetic andthe ceiling fan makes himdamage.I get cramps and well that’s itbad because they hit me really hard andI can’t stand the pain.lauro: he tells him that he called and inFive days gave him hisapproval, the installation took placea few minutes.If you qualify you can receivethe complete package.laura: mister joe accuratethat they could also do anotherarrangements to your home.has been installed at 370air conditioning unitsSince June, also thefamilies like this that do notThey knew they could applyadditional arrangements such as thecentral unit repairfrom the air.If any family needs aair or repairs cancall the same number oftelephone.Laura: From today on I will be better.I’m going to sleep peacefully.angelina: that was the smile ofMrs. Rachel because sheWe were telling you how it was noticeablethen differentiate that airconditioned.laura: requirements to be able toparticipate in this program,First of all, be a resident indallas county, complywith the poverty standardswhich establishes the law, alsoknow that there is preference foralso those people whohave children or some conditionedica.on screen you are watching thetheophon humerus, goodbyeIt will always be until there isunits available, stillThere are, call that numberso that you have a better summer.Angelina: How good that

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