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Fredmon Initiative in Uganda: Orphaned Children’s Home Expands and Aids Vocational Training

Around ten years ago, the Laichingen couple Monika and Manfred Hiller traveled to Uganda to evangelize people there. As a result of this missionary activity, they decided to found an initiative to enable disadvantaged children and young people in the African country to receive a school education. “Fredmon” is the name of the initiative, which has been supported by the “Helping Brings Joy” campaign for several years and is located under the umbrella of the Protestant parish of Laichingen. Before Christmas, “Fred” and “Mon” were in Uganda again and reported on what was new.

While at the beginning the goal of the “Fredmon” initiative was “only” to enable children whose parents had died to receive a school education that their remaining families could not afford, the project changed completely due to the corona pandemic. In spring 2021, “Fredmon” bought a piece of land near the town of Seeta with money from the “Helping Brings Joy” campaign, among other things. A new home for the children should be created there.

The rooms of the “Home an Hope” are filling up again

Manfred Hiller explained at the time, referring to the experiences of the Corona years: “We actually didn’t want ‘Fredmon’ to have ownership. But the pandemic has shown that arable land with the possibility of cultivation and self-sufficiency would be good.” The main aim was to create a home there for the disadvantaged children who are supported by “Fredmon”. During the pandemic, schools were closed for almost two years and the children and young people in their care lacked any structure. And this goal was actually achieved last spring 2023. The “Fredmon” children’s house was finished.

In the meantime – at the end of 2023 – the first students have written their exams and have been released for the holidays. This means that the rooms in the “Home an Hope”, as the children’s home is now called, are filling up again. As Manfred Hiller explains: “The children’s home is not a boarding school from which children and young people go to school. Rather, it serves as a safe haven for them during the month-long school holidays. Because they usually have no place to return to when the schools close for the holidays because their parents have died.” The “Home an Hope” now offers the orphans a safe place to go, even after Corona. All 48 beds in “Home and Hope” have been occupied since the end of November.

More children are about to graduate

“Fredmon” supports these 48 orphans but also other children. Monika Hiller says: “Our children have vacation until mid-February. In total, our program supports around 85 children and young people, primarily through sponsorships.” The project can also report initial successes: a vocational student has completed his training in “Industrial Art and Design” and is now looking for a job.

A further eight vocational students are currently training as car mechanics, secretaries, carpenters, midwives, nurses and in “Baking and Catering”. According to the Hillers, another student is currently graduating from Primary 7 and two other students are taking the Secondary 4 exam. After they receive their certificates in January, their path forward will become clearer.

This is on the wish list for next year

The children’s house is constantly being expanded as donations allow. Manfred Hiller says: “In ‘Home and Hope’ we were now able to equip our children’s bedrooms with cupboards, tables and chairs. They are very happy about the furniture, which we were able to procure thanks to a donation. The staff and children are also very happy about the new toilet and shower rooms, which we were also able to realize through a larger donation. Our WhatsApp campaign for the new tool shed was quickly successful and we were able to start construction.”

If enough donations come together, the initiative would like to have another building built on the site near Seeta. There will also be a larger kitchen there and the hall will also offer space for events. For Monika and Manfred Hiller and their colleagues in “Fredmon”, this is definitely on the Christmas wish list for the coming years.

2023-12-26 18:04:11
#Helping #brings #joy #Fredmon #children #graduate

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