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Frederik De Backer: The Dream Factory and the Challenges of Modern Society

Frederik De Backer is a columnist.

Frederik De Backer5 July 2023, 10:59

I won’t claim to have anything to do with it, but two years ago I asked, no, demanded in the DM Zapt section that the VRT would rebroadcast The Dream Factory, and look, Bart Peeters has already arrived, with his trail hopping and neighing Gloria Monserez. Do you have any claims of your own that can be stipulated by means of a grim undertone in the back of the newspaper? Send a yellow postcard to De dreigfabriek, Mediaplein 1, 2018 Antwerp and who knows, maybe that dream will come true.

What if we wished for some creativity? New ideas, some content or humane treatment of our own staff, who can be dismissed from one day to the next in the context of a ‘transformation plan’, while less than half a year later, two screen faces have signed an exclusivity contract of at least 300,000 euros per get year. Who would it be this time? Julie Vermeire? Zita Wauters? Shania Goris? Which private companies have brought something into the world at the beginning of this century?

In the Wetstraat, the return of The dream factory is received with thunderous applause. Maybe someone would like to shadow a politician for a day! Ah, the pleasure of seeing a baker’s wife dragged from fair to fair, the smile chiseled into such a minister’s face, even when she asks why of every five-year term of government in the last year and a half no one has perform blow.

Dear Dream Factory, I would have liked to put a politician under his feet. Pick someone yourself.

Dear Dream Factory, I would have liked to see my grandmother get food in the residential care center that costs me 2,000 euros a month.

Dear Dream Factory, I wish I could feel for just a moment that I was more than just a consumer, a target, a bank account to be plundered to the last penny. I would have liked to buy food and drink that I could confidently say wouldn’t slowly kill me, or live somewhere where the cancer isn’t in every morsel of soil. I wish I had hope.

When I asked to rebroadcast The Dream Factory two years ago, I was referring to the old episodes. I wanted to see people who dreamed of calling with a cordless telephone, if only to be able to imagine for a moment that we have made progress, if not humanly, then at least technologically. If only to be able to calculate for each candidate whether he would still be there today or whether he would be lucky not to have to experience all this again. Life was not better then, but much quieter.

Feel-good television to endure the feel-bad society. Send it out, I won’t see how many bears they ram down my throat. I will just sit in my room again, like every day, dreaming of, hoping for, working on something that cannot be imitated.

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2023-07-05 10:41:15
#Dear #Dream #Factory #grandmother #food #residential #care #center

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