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Frederick of Denmark’s Book: Definition of Mary Donaldson and Vision for Reign

Royal House of Denmark · Mary of Denmark

Frederick of Denmark has published a book in which he alludes to Mary Donaldson. Among other things, the monarch has defined his wife with a significant word

Frederick from Denmark (55 years old) and Mary Donaldson (51 years old) are experiencing another very special day this Sunday. The newly released kings of Denmark They are going to attend a religious service framed in the proclamation of the new monarch of the Danes. With this act, they will put an end to the events related to his accession to the throne after an intense week. A few days in which, in addition to their appearances, there have been other revealing movements with which they have made their position clear regarding this new stage. Among them, the publication of a book in which Federico makes several declarations of intent.

Just three days after becoming King of the Danes, Frederick of Denmark published a book. The new monarch wanted to take stock of this moment in his life through some pages in which he gives a testimony with which he deals with several of the issues for which he has been in the news over the years and other aspects related to life. work and personal of him. How could it be otherwise, In the book he refers to his wife Mary Donaldsonwhich he even defines with a meaningful word.

This is how Frederick of Denmark defines Mary Donaldson in his book

In the book, Federico from Denmark talks about the team he forms with Mary Donaldson both on a personal and work level. In her testimony he refers to her with a word with which he makes clear what a good tandem they make of her.“Mary is my partner and my wingmanto use a pilot’s expression, and we have a super dynamic”, were the words and expression with which he referred to his wife.

In addition, Federico from Denmark has alluded in the pages to how they organize themselves so that all the events they have go well. “It benefits us enormously when we prepare everything, from church visits and awards ceremonies to New Year’s tables and state visits,” he said in relation with his work.

Personally, he has commented that “I have learned a lot from having a wife who, from time to time, reminds me that, of course, I am not always right and that my words are not automatically believed, just because I am the man of the house.” Federico has remembered patriarchal education that he received from his father and how his perception has changed thanks to having a woman like the Australian at his side. Regarding this reflection, Frederick of Denmark has come to define to Mary Donaldson as “a woman of her time.”

Frederick of Denmark announces what his reign with Mary Donaldson will be like

Furthermore, through the book he has revealed what the big difference that his reign with Mary Donaldson at his side will make. with respect to that of his mother Queen Margaret. “We are going to do it differently than my mother, both in the organization and administration of the Royal Household, and in how we combine family, work and free time. “Mary and I are children of our time and we have received a different education from my mother and my grandfather,” she said about the current touch they want to give to the Danish crown.

With all these statements, Frederick of Denmark has seen in this book a new opportunity to show who is in love with Mary Donaldson and that their marriage is going through a good moment. As expected, at no time has she alluded to everything that happened after the commented photographs of her walking with Genoveva Casanova through Madrid, published exclusively by Lecturas magazine.

2024-01-21 16:12:05
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