Home » today » News » Fraudsters persuaded two pensioners from Homel to take out loans for Br63,000 | Incidents

Fraudsters persuaded two pensioners from Homel to take out loans for Br63,000 | Incidents

Fraudsters persuaded two pensioners from Homel to take out loans and stole more than Br63 thousand. reported in the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee.

A 64-year-old resident of the regional center received a call in a messenger from an unknown person who introduced himself as a police officer and said that scammers had issued loans in her name. Then the woman was switched to an employee of the Association of Belarusian Banks. During the conversation, the scammers convinced the woman to take loans from banks to allegedly repay the fraudulent loan. She followed the instructions of the attackers and took out loans from 4 different banks for a total amount of more than Br48 thousand.

Later, the scammers asked to convince her 66-year-old husband to also take out loans from banks, since loans were taken in his name. As a result, he issued 3 loans for Br15 thousand in several banks.

Pensioners transferred part of the loan funds to the attackers on their own to the accounts they indicated, the rest was remotely transferred by the fraudsters through an application that was installed by the Gomel residents at their request.

When the pensioners realized that they had been deceived, they turned to law enforcement officers. A criminal case has been initiated on the fact of fraud committed on an especially large scale.

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