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Fraudsters issued fake loans for Ukrainians: the scheme was revealed

Scammers have become more active in Ukraine. So, in Kiev, a loan was issued for a woman, and she did not even know about it. The victim Alexandra Nakonechnaya says that she lived without loans until they called and said that she owed UAH 5,000 and another UAH 15,000 interest.

It is reported by “Today”… This scheme is very popular, because recently a well-known Ukrainian bank was accused of a scam.

More than 4 million customers offered data on the Internet for money. Fraudsters buy information and issue loans for them.

“Scammers can get access to such copies through unscrupulous employees who simply transfer data to scammers for a fee or as revenge when they quit,” said Natalya Bugaeva, an expert on psychological cybersecurity.

So, in order not to become a victim of fraudsters, you can prohibit yourself from borrowing. “The Ukrainian bureau of credit histories, or its Internet banking, will directly put a ban on the fact that you do not want to receive loans, and there will be a clear ban on obtaining loans in your name in your credit history. You can withdraw this at any time,” – says security expert Ruslan Bolgov.

In addition, if you give a copy of your passport or code to some institution, the documents must be certified. Such certification of the document must be bilateral.

“The client should pay attention to the fact that in his presence a specialist of a financial institution put a mark on the copy. This means that this copy is provided for a specific institution,” explained Dmitry Zamotaev, head of the retail department of the banking institution.

This procedure is only suitable for photocopies that you personally submit. Electronic copies for online transactions should only be forwarded through secure channels.

It is worth preferring the transfer of information from the state protected service “Diya”. It will be transmitted with the appropriate marking, the so-called signature, where the date and time of data transmission will be indicated.

Let us remind you that in Ukraine scammers post fake ads about non-existent vacancies, demand to leave a deposit, pay for inventory or training literature, and then disappear. Real employers are also deceiving: they refuse to pay for an internship, or they extort money, allegedly to conduct a coronavirus test.

As reported OBOZREVATEL:

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