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Fraud attempt via WhatsApp – Neuwied District

On November 10, 2022 at around 8:45 pm, the 61-year-old victim reported receiving strange messages via WhatsApp.

From police headquarters Neuwied, Rhein (ots)

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Photo: Friso Gentsch / dpa

First, he received a text message on his cell phone from an unknown person. In this, the person pretended to be the victim’s daughter and asked to be contacted via another phone number. The victim complied with this request. In the course of a correspondence via WhatsApp, the offender indicated that he had to pay two bills and asked for a sum of money in the amount of 2750 euros. The injured party was aware that it was a trap and did not transfer any money.

Questions please contact:

Police headquarters Neuwied / Rhein
Press office

Phone: 02631-878-0

The press releases of the Rhineland-Palatinate police name the
Free source for publication.

Original content from: Questura Neuwied / Rhein, broadcast by news aktuell

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