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Frank Schäfer re-elected as President of the AMÖ

Hattersheim / Main (ots) – Frank Schäfer has been confirmed as President of the AMÖ. This was decided by the delegates at their meeting on Thursday, October 22, 2020. The Vice Presidents Dr. Martin Ahnefeld, Stefan Klein and Jürgen Zantis were elected for a further term of office.

“I would also like to thank my vice-presidents, who unfortunately cannot be present today, for the vote of confidence and for being able to work on the executive committee for three more years for the furniture moving companies organized in the association”, Schäfer sent his words of thanks for re-election the camera. Schäfer sees the current corona pandemic as one of the bigger challenges, in which, since the outbreak, it has been increasingly important to adequately accompany and support the member companies so that their entrepreneurial activities are not restricted further. “We will continue to do our best to offer you the right support for your daily work!”

The Bundesverband Möbelspedition und Logistik (AMÖ) eV is organizing its delegate assembly virtually due to the corona pandemic. The participating member companies, representatives of the partner associations and other guests had the opportunity at the meeting of the supreme body of the AMÖ to obtain first-hand information about current and future developments in the federal association and in industry.

The election of the presidium and all resolutions were made in advance of the general meeting in writing. In addition to the usual resolutions on the AMÖ budget, the new AMÖ contribution regulations were also adopted. The results of the written votes were determined and announced during the events by lawyer Heiko Nagel, managing director of the Association of Transport Industry Rheinhessen-Pfalz, and Andreas Funke, chairman of the Association of Furniture Forwarding, Moving Logistics and Relocation Hessen eV.

Press contact:

Bundesverband Möbelspedition und Logistik (AMÖ) eV
Daniel Waldschik
Schulstraße 53
65795 Hattersheim / Main
Phone: (0 61 90) 98 98 17
Fax: (0 61 90) 98 98 20
Email: [email protected]
www.amoe.de | www.umzug.org | www.fmku.de | www.moebellogistik-magazin.de

Original content from: Bundesverband Möbelspedition und Logistik (AMÖ) eV, transmitted by news aktuell
Original message: https://www.presseportal.de/pm/128311/4742831

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