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Françoise Hardy’s moving plea for euthanasia

A year and a half after announcing on RTL that she would never be able to sing again, Françoise Hardy publishes Songs about you and us, a collection of all his texts with his comments. The 77-year-old singer says to herself exhausted by years of illness, in particular a cancer of the larynx which required radiotherapy sessions in recent months. Françoise Hardy, now deaf in one ear, explains to RTL’s microphone her daily life which prevents any return to song and evokes her desire to have recourse to euthanasia.

“To eat it takes 6 hours a day, confides Françoise Hardy. The rest of the time, I answer emails, I do important medical care, I am completely dry everywhere because of the rays. They crossed me 45 both the head. They burned my salivary glands … “

The singer says she is in favor of euthanasia. “From a certain point when there is too much suffering and where there is no hope, the suffering has to be cut short. It is the least of things. It is human. My mother had the pain. Charcot’s disease which is absolutely unbearable. My mother was able, with my help, to be euthanized. To know that her doctor could help her and arrange for her to be euthanized when she no longer wanted to continue with this horrible disease. It was extraordinary comfort. France must do the same. We must make this law.

Would she be ready to ask for help in dying? “Of course, except we can’t find one, she regrets. I’m in a really nightmarish state of pain most of the time …”

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