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François Hollande mocked for his weight: Philippe Caverivière doesn’t mince his words!

This Wednesday, September 25, RTL unveiled, on X, an excerpt from Philippe Caverivière’s humorous column, produced in the presence of Laurent Fabius. For the arrival at his microphone of the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nicolas Canteloup’s friend amused himself by drawing up a somewhat nostalgic inventory. “All generations have grown up with you. You are a bit like the Michel Drucker of politics”, he first said, before addressing his colleagues: “You realize that we all knew Laurent Fabius when he was young. And that’s a sign that time has passed.”

Determined to make his colleagues a little melancholic, Philippe Caverivière added: “You want proof that time has passed? We’ve all experienced it here Michael Jackson noir.” Without forgetting to drop a stray bullet for the former President of the Republic for whom Laurent Fabius worked: “On a known François Hollande thin.” The 53-year-old comedian then continued his column in the same tone: “We were in love with Sophie Marceau minor. But we were minors too! So don’t worry… We knew Rafael Nadal with hair and Roger Federer with knees [en bonne santé].” Then turning to Laurent Fabius, he declared, still as piquant: “So when we see Gabriel Attalwe are obviously thinking of you today. And you realize that, when Gabriel Attal will be as old as Laurent Fabius is today, in about forty years, well all the people in this studio will be dead.”

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A columnist who recently tackled Éric Ciotti

Making his RTL colleagues laugh bitterly by evoking the end of life and death in a rather fatalistic way, Philippe Caverivière said: “Except Amandine [Bégot] who will be in a nursing home and who will complain about the staff saying: ‘Bring me my apple-raspberry Pom’Potes! I was a great journalist, you little shits!'” Before ending his column by provoking hilarity, imagining the radio presenter asking “the great half-breed to make [s]a petite toilette”. On September 23, the comedian made fun of Éric Ciotti and his bald head, comparing him to Jennifer Lopez, without forgetting of course to tackle him on his departure from the Republicans.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Photo credits: RTL screen capture

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