Home » today » News » François Hollande, Marie-Guite Dufay and Cécile Untermaier … figures from the Socialist Party react to the agreement signed with La France Insoumise for the legislative elections

François Hollande, Marie-Guite Dufay and Cécile Untermaier … figures from the Socialist Party react to the agreement signed with La France Insoumise for the legislative elections

On a visit to Dijon (Côte d’Or), on the occasion of the inauguration of the city of gastronomy and wine, on Friday May 6, certain socialist personalities mentioned the agreement between the Socialist Party and La France Insoumise en legislative view. Others made it known via a press release.

This Friday, May 6, the former President of the Republic François Hollande was seen in the Burgundian capital. The good-natured look and the affable air, the former head of state strolls through the buildings of the International City of Dijon gastronomy and wine, inaugurated this morning.

Alongside the exhibitors, between tastings of Morbier Comtois and coffee from a local roaster, the press closely follows the actions of the historical figure of the Socialist Party. Some have decided to ask him questions about Dijon… but also about the recent agreement between his party and insubordinate France. The candidates invested will wear the colors of the New Popular, Ecologist and Social Union (Nupes), a common LFI-PS grouping but also the Communist Party and Europe-Ecologie-Les Verts. More than in socialist lands, the former president considers himself to be in “Dijon lands”. Incomplete, he replies: “For the left to gain power, it must be credible”. Then goes away, and dissolves in a crowd of personalities surrounding it. When the agreement was signed on May 4, François Hollande had « challenged the agreement on the substance and on the constituencies”with our colleagues from AFP.

At his side, Marie-Guite Dufay. Crossed to the Cité de la Gastronomie, the elected PS is delighted with this new construction which has taken more than ten years to emerge. But between two or three smiles, the President of the Region adopts a more serious air when it comes to talking about the legislative elections. She confides: “We had no choice. The way the presidential election took place means that the state of the PS, if we wanted a diverse left to be present in the National Assembly, required this agreement. For me, it’s a starting point: there are a lot of differences to work on. »

Rather discreet since the start of the debates within the Socialist Party, the President of the Region assures us: she has supported this grouping from the start.. “I called for this rally from the leftshe hammers. I also did it in our region, so in a way I embody it for our region Obviously, I follow that very closely. »

On the side of the town hall of Dijon, radio silence. When questioned, François Rebsamen, who is starting to move away from the Socialist Party, did not want to talk politics on this inauguration day. But he had mentioned this agreement to AFP on the day of the signing: “I said PS = sectarian Party, it becomes PS = Submissive Party […] all this for a few constituencies, as if that is what was going to save the PS. »

The only PS deputy from Burgundy agrees to react. In Saône-et-Loire, Cécile Untermaier, candidate for her succession, is invested by her party alongside 69 other names for the legislative elections of June 2022. In a press release, the elected official writes to accept the agreement, without for fully support it: “Today, I take note of the national agreement which brings together the left, while respecting its plurality […]. This alliance cannot be an allegiance. I remain myself, an MP for Bresse, Val de Saône and Tournugeois, who fights above all for her territory, in consultation with all the actors, beyond partisan considerations. »

The one who therefore presents herself as a woman of « terrain », « libre », did not wait for the procrastination at headquarters to announce his candidacy. Not wishing to dwell on the dissensions within her party, she adds: ” My fight, as during my last two terms, is the general interest and the exemplary Republic. Rather than settling scores, let’s focus on resolving the situation of citizens in difficulty as best we can. »

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