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Franco-Luxembourgish Co-Development: 440 Million Euros Committed to Cross-Border Mobility (2018-2028) and Future Avenues

Title: Franco-Luxembourgish Co-Development: A Growing Trend in Cross-Border Projects

Date: April 24, 2023

Author: Catherine Roeder

In recent years, the concept of Franco-Luxembourgish co-development has gained traction, with joint projects being financed equally on French territory. This innovative approach to cross-border collaboration has already seen significant investment, with 440 million euros committed to cross-border mobility between 2018 and 2028. Furthermore, there are ongoing discussions about exploring additional avenues for cooperation.

The term “co-development” is preferred by Pierre Cuny, the mayor of Thionville and president of the Pôle métropolitain border. He emphasizes that Thionville does not seek handouts but rather aims for a mutually beneficial partnership. This stance is in contrast to the idea of tax retrocession, advocated by Dominique Gros, the former mayor of Metz, which involves the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg returning taxes to France, similar to the arrangement with Belgium. Cuny believes that co-development offers a more pragmatic and effective approach to fostering growth and development.

The commitment to cross-border mobility is a significant aspect of the Franco-Luxembourgish co-development initiative. The Franco-Luxembourg tax treaty, signed in Paris in 2018, marked the introduction of co-financing. This treaty, hailed as a “win-win” by Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, allocated 110 million euros on both sides of the border to support mobility projects. Some of the key projects include the construction of two relay car parks in Metzange and Longwy, a silo car park at Thionville station, the creation of a railway maintenance center in Montigny-lès-Metz, and the modernization of infrastructure, including platform extensions in major stations along the Lorraine furrow.

The joint financing mechanism initiated by Luxembourg in 2018 was a groundbreaking step towards strengthening cross-border cooperation. In 2021, the Esch-sur-Alzette agreements led to an amendment where both France and Luxembourg contributed an additional 110 million euros to the common fund. This infusion of funds aims to sustain the momentum and finance a reinforced schedule by 2025. The ultimate objective is to achieve a train frequency of every seven minutes between Thionville and Luxembourg, and every ten minutes from Metz by 2028-2030.

The scope of co-financing is not limited to mobility projects alone. During the recent Franco-Luxembourg intergovernmental commission held in Volkrange in April 2023, the idea of extending co-financing to crèches and multi-care centers was proposed to the Luxembourg delegation. Pierre Cuny suggests that Luxembourg should bear part of the financial burden for these facilities, considering that a significant percentage of the children attending them have parents who work in Luxembourg. This approach would allow Luxembourg to contribute to the residential economy of the municipalities involved. A working group has been established to explore this possibility further.

The Franco-Luxembourgish co-development model represents a growing trend in cross-border collaboration. With significant financial commitments and ongoing discussions about expanding cooperation, this innovative approach is set to shape the future of regional development. By fostering joint projects and shared responsibilities, both France and Luxembourg aim to create a harmonious and prosperous border region.

Keywords: Thionville, Codevelopment, Luxembourg, growing trend, cross-border mobility, co-financing, Franco-Luxembourgish tax treaty, infrastructure modernization, crèches, multi-care centers.

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And upgrades at various train stations.

The aim of these projects is to improve cross-border mobility and provide better transportation options for both residents and commuters. This is especially important considering the high number of people who live in France but work in Luxembourg, which has led to congestion and overcrowding on existing transportation routes. The investment in infrastructure and mobility projects is expected to alleviate this issue and make cross-border travel easier and more efficient.

In addition to improving mobility, the Franco-Luxembourgish co-development initiative seeks to promote economic growth and cooperation between the two countries. The joint financing of projects allows both France and Luxembourg to share the costs and benefits, creating a sense of synergy and collaboration. This approach has been well-received by local authorities and businesses on both sides of the border.

The success of the Franco-Luxembourgish co-development initiative can be attributed to the strong political commitment from both countries. Leaders from both France and Luxembourg have recognized the importance of cross-border cooperation and have actively supported and encouraged joint projects. The signing of the tax treaty in 2018 was a significant milestone in solidifying this commitment and creating a framework for future collaboration.

Looking ahead, there are ongoing discussions and plans for further cooperation and joint projects between France and Luxembourg. The success and positive outcomes of the current initiatives have laid the groundwork for future endeavors. The concept of co-development has proven to be an effective and mutually beneficial approach to cross-border collaboration, and it is likely to continue to be a growing trend in the coming years.

Overall, the Franco-Luxembourgish co-development initiative has brought about significant investment and improvements in cross-border mobility, economic growth, and cooperation between France and Luxembourg. It represents a new and innovative approach to fostering development and collaboration between neighboring countries, and it is a trend that is expected to continue in the future.

2 thoughts on “Franco-Luxembourgish Co-Development: 440 Million Euros Committed to Cross-Border Mobility (2018-2028) and Future Avenues”

  1. This Franco-Luxembourgish co-development initiative, with a commitment of 440 million euros, presents incredible potential for enhancing cross-border mobility and opening up exciting future avenues for collaboration. The investment demonstrates a strong commitment to fostering closer ties between France and Luxembourg, and is bound to bring about significant economic and social benefits for both nations.

  2. This Franco-Luxembourgish commitment towards cross-border mobility and future avenues is commendable. The dedication of 440 million euros over a span of 10 years highlights a promising collaborative effort that will undoubtedly foster development and enhance connectivity between the two nations.


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