“Kidnapping Inc.”: A Darkly Comedic Thriller anchored in Haiti’s Turbulent Reality
Set against the backdrop of Haiti’s political chaos and societal struggles, Kidnapping Inc., the debut feature film by Franco-Haitian filmmaker Bruno Mourral, is set to hit theaters in Quebec and across Canada on February 7, 2025. This Franco-Canadian co-production, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2024 and won the audience award at the Fantasia Festival, is a bold blend of black comedy and political thriller.
The film follows two bumbling kidnappers who inadvertently become entangled in a complex political conspiracy. Inspired by the rising phenomenon of kidnappings in Haiti, Kidnapping Inc. is a poignant “road movie” that balances realistic grit with dark humor. Mourral’s storytelling is deeply rooted in real events, offering a raw yet humorous portrayal of a nation on the brink of collapse.
“This film is close to my heart, because many friends and parents suffered from violence and corruption in the country,” Mourral shared.“the film is a tribute to the strength and courage of my Haitian compatriots, but also to their sense of humor, which has the power to heal and perhaps bring a little light in this dark period.”
The film stars Gessica Généus (Freda), alongside the charismatic duo Jasmuel Andri and Rolaphton Mercure. Shot primarily in Creole, with French making up 15-20% of the dialog, Kidnapping Inc. aims to amplify the voices of the Haitian people, frequently enough overlooked in the narrative of a nation torn by political corruption, gang violence, and international interference.
The production itself was not without challenges. Filming in Haiti during a period of intense political instability, the crew faced real-life dangers that mirrored the film’s themes. The abduction of three technical team members and the assassination of Haiti’s president forced unavoidable pauses in production.
The Quebec creative team includes Arthur Tarnowski (Drunk Birds, until decline) as editor and Olivier Alary (The Night of Kings, Felix and Meira) as composer.Produced by Peripheria in collaboration with Promenade films and BHM Films, the film’s post-production was largely completed in Quebec.
| Key Details | |
| Director | Bruno Mourral |
| Release Date | February 7, 2025 |
| Languages | Creole, French |
| Genre | Black Comedy, Political Thriller |
| Production Companies | Peripheria, Promenade Films, BHM films |
Kidnapping Inc. is more than just a film; it’s a testament to Haiti’s resilience and cultural richness. As Mourral puts it, the movie is a party of the Haitian spirit, offering a fresh and authentic viewpoint on worldwide themes.
Don’t miss the chance to experience this powerful story when it premieres next month. Watch the official trailer here.