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Francis: women are creators of a more humane society – Vatican News

At the end of the general audience on International Women’s Day, the Pope congratulated all women and once again called not to forget the pain of the tortured Ukrainian people.

Jānis Evertovskis – Vatican

“On International Women’s Day, my thoughts go out to all women,” said Francis, “and I thank them for their ability to perceive reality with a creative eye and a tender heart, making efforts to build a more humane society. Only women have this privilege”.

After that, the Holy Father called on everyone to carry in their hearts and keep in their prayers the tormented Ukrainian people and never forget their pain. Addressing the Polish believers who are participating in the Great Lent retreats in their parishes and communities, he wished them to reflect on how human they are and how high-quality their Christian life is during this time. It will be useful to bear the fruits of good, including for the people whom the Poles accept in their land, especially for the Ukrainian refugees.

Francis wished everyone that Great Lent serves to restore the missionary dynamism, so that in this way we can joyfully serve the Gospel and humanity, and accept the Church’s call to return and satisfy. He added that returning to the Father’s love and the mission of the Son and the Holy Spirit will allow us to realize and appreciate the wonderful gift of life that we have freely received from God and for which we thank Him.

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