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Franche-Comté and Vosges on orange alert

The bad weather continues on Tuesday, and particularly affects the northeast quarter of France. Risks related to snowfall are to be expected in the Vosges, Haute-Sâone, Doubs, the territory of Belfort and the Haut-Rhin, Météo France alert

Météo France announces that 19 departments will be placed in orange vigilance for the day of Wednesday, January 18.

Several departments in the Centre, Grand Est, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté will be on orange alert for “snow-ice”:Iserel’Ainthe Rhônethe Loirethe Puy de Domethe Digl’Combinethe Saone-et-Loirethe Côte-d’Orthe Yonnethe Doubsthe Haute-Saonethe Territory of Belfortthe Upper Rhinethem Vosges and the Haute Marne.

Will also always be placed on orange alert: Landes and the Pyrenees-Atlantiques (for “rain-flood”) and the South Corsica (« vague-submersion »).

Forecasts for the coming hours

Updated at 4 p.m.

The disturbance responsible for the snowy episode extends from Franche-Comté to the Côte d’Or, Yonne, Haute-Marne and the Vosges department. Snow is observed towards the Plateau de Langres, Auxerre, Dijon, Dole and Belfort.
There are sometimes marked snow intensities, the snow sticks locally to the ground in the plain.
Temperatures are generally between 0°C and 2°C on the plain, but under a more marked snow shower, the temperature drops to around 0°C.

Even if the disturbance can still temporarily bring a little rain to the plains, snow is the majority now and for the next night These snowfalls last until the middle or even the end of the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, then evacuate via the t is early Wednesday morning.
Towards the heights of the Jura, the south-southwest wind is sensitive, hence the risk of snowdrifts forming on exposed roads.

How much snow to expect?

The location of the heaviest snowfall varies according to the scenarios considered, along a north-south axis. Significant snowfall could also affect southern Meurthe-et-Moselle overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday.
In addition, geographical disparities could be significant during this episode, with snow intensities of around 2 to 3cm per hour locally and with snow accumulations ranging from simple dusting at 5cm or even 10cm locally.

The south of the Doubs department (to the south-west of Besançon) or the plain of Haut-Rhin (to the north of Mulhouse) remain away from the greatest accumulations of snow.

Attention, after these snowfalls, the temperatures will remain negative and could still generate slippery phenomena by refreezing of wet pavement in the first half of Wednesday morning.

Elsewhere in France

Snowfalls are expected from Normandy to the Paris basin, “they will give small quantities in general, but we cannot exclude reaching a few centimeters very locally”, warns Météo France. The Paris region would then be concerned only in the extreme south.

On the other hand, late this evening and next night, significant snowfall could be organized towards the Creuse and the Allier then shift towards the southeast.

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