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Francesco Basoli, the doctor that Allumiere does not forget – Civonline.it


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Posted on February 3, 2021

ALLUMIERE – The majority municipal councilor of Allumiere, Gabriele Volpi, on Dr. Francesco Basoli’s birthday remembers “a great person. Some of us may not have even known him, but I’m sure we have heard about him for everything he has done for our country ”. Dr. Basoli from Cuneo by birth but born in Aluminum, was a brilliant surgeon specialized in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Basoli served as an Internal Medical Doctor in the Municipality of Allumiere from 1 December 1938 to 31 January 1950; during this period he held the post of medical lieutenant at the Livorno hospital during the Second World War, participating in war actions. He married Giuseppina Cardini from Civitavecchia and had four children: Giampaolo, Antonio (Ninuccio), Maria Grazia and Vincenzo. On 30 July 1949 he became President of the Allumiere Red Cross subcommittee and during his presidency, with many personal sacrifices, the first new factory ambulance was purchased. In 1951 he won the first post-war competition announced by the Prefecture of Rome, qualifying among the first places in the competition ranking thanks to the high score obtained in the practical tests of Medicine. In the span of forty-five years (1938 – 1983) serving the population of Allumiere, his activity in the medical field was characterized by the services provided in the large vaccination campaigns launched at national level and he also served in the Antitubercular Dispensary of Civitavecchia from April 1940 to December 1941. He established the Allumiere Pediatric Clinic in December 1938, starting the first vaccination campaigns on the entire school age population (Antitific, Antivaiolosa and Antipoliomelitica Prophylaxis). In the year of the centenary of the Italian Red Cross 1863 – 1963, Dr. Basoli leaves the presidency after 14 years. “As a doctor in a town of about 4000 inhabitants, he never stopped, his humanitarian work, carried out for 45 years in Allumiere was unparalleled – explains Riccardo Rinaldi – he used to rush to the bedside of those in need at any time, to help, encourage and to give his immediate and valid care. During the night, after the call, the time to reach the patient never exceeded 10 minutes. His philanthropy did not stop only on the timeliness of his interventions, but also consisted in his generosity for the needy, granting them help in every sense. We also consider that being alone in town as a doctor, all his humanitarian efforts had no ulterior motives ”. Councilor Volpi then underlines: “Gifted with a strong temperament, he worked with energy to innovate the profession of Medical Doctor in the methods and contents, introducing the most advanced diagnostic and clinical techniques already in the post-war period, thanks to his university studies and his post-graduate specialist training , acquired at the University of Cagliari. Her
medical activity always attentive to the problems of the individual and his social context has been a strong example for the new generation of doctors who since the 1980s have been operating in the municipality of Allumiere offering an excellent level of medical assistance to the population. His wife Giuseppina died on 23 March 2000 in Civitavecchia and only after two months the doctor also died on 27 May 2000 in Rome and is buried in the Allumiere cemetery. After his death, the municipal administration of Allumiere decided to name a street after Doctor Francesco Basoli for everything he had done for our community, not only as a doctor but for his social work in the Red Cross committee. On April 25, 2002, on the occasion of the anniversary of the Liberation, after having brought the crown to the war memorial in Piazza F. Turati, the Via was inaugurated ”.

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