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France’s Bold Stance on Gender Equality and War Violence at CSW68

France’s commitment to gender equality and the fight against the violence of war

The French Minister responsible for Equality between Women and Men and the Fight against Discriminationwent to the 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women in New York. This edition notably highlighted the urgency of investing in gender equality to eradicate women’s poverty. Discussions highlighted the need for additional investments to achieve equality and women’s empowerment, as well as the importance of strengthening policies and programs.

The minister participated in the opening ceremony of the Commission and expressed, during the general debate, France’s commitments to promoting women’s rights. At his initiative, a conference was organized on sexual violence linked to conflicts, moderated by the French NGO We Are Not Weapons of War and its president Céline Bardet.

On the X network, the minister also underlined that “ destroying women’s bodies is destroying the essence of our humanity “. She also launched a feminist coalition during her speech at the United Nations, reaffirming that women’s bodies should not be used as weapons of war. France has also expressed its support for Ukraine, particularly for women who suffer war violence and rape.

Abortion and contraception at the heart of the international debate

During her stay, Aurore Bergé will also have the opportunity to interact with important personalities, such as Amina MohammedDeputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, and Sima Bahousexecutive director of UN Women.

On Wednesday March 13, other subjects will be discussed, such as contraception and abortion, as part of the inclusion of abortion in the French Constitution. This event will also be organized by le planning familial and the French parliamentary delegation.

2024-03-12 16:24:23
#Aurore #Bergé #destroying #womens #bodies #destroying #essence #humanity #lepetitjournal.com

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